100,000 Chileans Say Abortion Has No Place in Chile
More than 100,000 Chileans flooded downtown Santiago Saturday for a "Celebrate Life" rally to protest the legalization of abortion.
The protest are an overwhelming response to the government's repeated attempts to legalize abortion in cases of rape, when the unborn child has genetic issues, or poses a threat to the mother's life.
Abortion has never been legal in Chile and many want to keep it that way.
"We do not want to follow the other countries of the world which have abandoned the protection of the weakest members of the human family, starting first with so-called "only limited abortion" and ending up with even more horrific consequences and all the damage that comes in the wake of abortion to society in general," Elizabeth Bunster, with Chile es Vida, told LifeSite News.
Although many in Chile's government are pro-life, there is still support from abortion from an unlikely place: members of the Christian Democratic Party support the legislation.
"It is a mockery that members of a party that calls itself 'Christian' dare to legalize the killing of innocent," said Carmen Coxatto, a pro-life activist in Chile.
Many believe it is up to the pro-life members of the party to stop the legislation.
"The Christian Democrats need to understand that if they don't stop this legislation, they will be responsible for the resulting deaths of the innocent, the suffering for women and the destruction which follows in abortion's path," Bunster said.