Wynter Evans Pitts' Life Celebrated by Her Family and Friends
The funeral for author, speaker, and blogger Wynter Evans Pitts was held Saturday evening at the Oaks Church in Red Oak, Texas.
The service was filled with music, Bible scriptures, tears, laughter and many memories of Wynter as told by her family and friends.
One of the scriptures read at the service was
: "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."Her husband Jonathan also shared a video of Wynter at one of her recent speaking engagements talking about her life and how blessed she was to be married and the mother of four girls.
Candid Video About Faith and Loss
In the following video posted to Youtube on July 27, Dr. Tony Evans and his family share their thoughts about the sudden passing of their close family member, Wynter Pitts. In this candid conversation, they address questions we have about God, especially during very difficult moments when things don’t make sense.
As CBN News reported, Pitts died unexpectedly in her sleep earlier this week. She was 38 years old.
Pitts was an author, blogger and founder of For Girls Like You magazine and the niece of Dallas megachurch pastor Dr. Tony Evans.
Just days before her passing, she spoke at a ministry event for girls called, "Reel Girls Conference."
A couple of days after Wynter's death, her husband Jonathan Pitts wrote an inspiring and heartfelt Instagram post, with a profound message: "You can never know for sure if you are young or old because you don't know when the Lord will call you home."
Jonathan said he and his family are heartbroken by her loss but are resting in the hope of Jesus Christ.
"If Wynter's life and sudden passing teaches you anything, learn to live every day in light of that fact," he wrote. "God is a good father. He did not stop loving Wynter when she left this earth. His love only got more real to her. I find solace in that fact.
"Wynter lived a fuller life than most people live in double her 38 years. Well done, babe. Well done," he continued.
Wynter, her daughter Alena, and her cousin Priscilla Shirer starred in the movie The War Room in November of 2015. It was based on the book by Shirer. With a production budget of only $3 million, it became a sleeper hit, grossing $74 million worldwide, according to Wikipedia. The film was produced by Alex and Stephen Kendrick, who had previously produced films for Sherwood Pictures, a ministry of the Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia. The film was released by Sony Pictures.
As CBN News reported, Wynter's daughter Alena also wrote a touching tribute to her mom, right after she died.
She wrote on Instagram, "On July 24, 2018, Jesus took my precious mommy (@forgirlslikeyou) off this earth. It happened within a couple hours and was so sudden. My heart hurts like never before. Comfort seems far. Anxiety is extremely present. It still feels like a dream that I will wake up from soon. I will remember those thirty minutes for the rest of my life. And I will remember the pain I felt as I found out.
But the nurse repeated this phrase to me as I walked down that hospital hallway. And for some reason, I couldn't forget them. As they told me my mom had passed, these words continued and still continue to pound in my head. 'I'm gonna tell you something I need you never to forget ok? You serve a big God. A big God. Don't you ever forget that.' I serve a big God. Obstacles will be thrown at me but my God is still there. He knows what he's doing and he's got a plan. I say this not by sheer will but through faith."
Dr. Evans also shared the news of Wynter's passing on social media.
"My niece Wynter Evans Pitts (@forgirlslikeyou) unexpectedly passed away last night," wrote Evans. "A beautiful mother of four girls and a devoted wife, Wynter loved her family with a deep commitment. Please keep her husband Jonathan her four young daughters and our entire family in your prayers."
A GoFundMe account has also been set up by a family friend to help her husband and daughters with any needed financial assistance.