Wheaton Gets No Relief in Obamacare Birth Control Case
A U.S. federal court of appeals has denied Wheaton College a preliminary injunction in their religious objection to Obamacare's contraception mandate.
The college will have to notify the government of its refusal to provide contraception, outsourcing that task to the government.
That means the government will find a birth control provider, but still at Wheaton's expense.
Some of the types of contraception include methods that could abort a fertilized egg.
Wheaton is known as an explicitly Christian college, stating its mission is to "serve Jesus Christ and advance His Kingdom."
In June 2014, the U.S. Supreme Court granted Wheaton a reprieve from being forced to pay for the contraceptive coverage that violates its beliefs.
But the ruling this week by a federal appeals court says providing the coverage through the government doesn't force the college to violate its beliefs.
Meanwhile, Houston Baptist University, East Texas Baptist University, and Westminster Theological Seminary are appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court to protect them from millions of dollars in fines if they don't comply with the mandate.
The court is likely to consider all the petitions in late September or early October.