Miracle Baby Brought Back to Life Changes Puerto Rico Forever
The Calvetis never thought their newborn baby would get a death sentence.
Daniel was only six months old and was dying from severe bacterial meningitis.
With their baby's life slowly fading away before their very eyes, they made a last ditch plea to God.
"They prayed and they said, 'Jesus, we don't know how to walk with You, but if You heal Daniel, we promise You we're going to dedicate Daniel to Your service, and we're going to give You all of our family in service," Calveti explained in a recent interview with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.
It wasn't long until the Calvetis got the phone call they always dreaded: their little boy was dead.
Doctors wrapped Daniel's tiny, lifeless body in white sheets and took him to the morgue.
That's when a miracle happened.
"I was dead for eight hours," Calveti said. "And after eight hours, God touched my body."
When maintenance workers saw Daniel moving under the sheet, Doctors and nurses scrambled to the baby's side. That's when they realized something even more spectacular.
"The doctor, he was so scared—they called my parents again telling them, 'Hey, I don't know what happened, but Daniel, he's back to life … and we cannot find any meningitis in his body. He's healed."
After God restored their son's life, they vowed to keep their promise to God and dedicate his life to ministry.
Calveti and his family moved to Puerto Rico where they served at their church.
"My heart is very connected with Puerto Rico," Calveti said. "My wife is from Puerto Rico. My children are from Puerto Rico."
Although Calveti now lives in Texas, he's going back to Puerto Rico with Franklin Graham this week for the Festival de Esperanza (Festival of Hope). He calls this ministry event a "prayer answered for Puerto Rico."
He says many Puerto Ricans call themselves Christians but their faith is shallow. Calveti believes that will be changing soon.
"Let me tell you, right now in the world, they're trying to put away mentioning the name of Jesus," Calveti said. "So to me, what gives credibility to Franklin Graham's ministry is that he's always preaching about Jesus.
"That's what we need right now, and that's why I'm very excited, because in Puerto Rico, everybody's going to hear the Name of Jesus as a Savior, as a healer, and that gets me excited."