Lincoln Memorial Easter Sunrise Service Livestream
For the first time in 37 years the Easter Sunrise Service at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC will be live streamed.
Pastor Amos Dodge from Capital Church says, "The idea to make the service available via live-stream came from a conversation I recently had with a gentleman while on a trip in Dubai. He pleaded with me to make the service available via internet and told me how he would personally gather a large group of people to view the service there. Immediately I began the process of securing the stream and we are excited to invite not only all those in Washington, DC, but all around the world to join in this celebration!"
The service is now a tradition in Washington. It started in 1979 and has been running now for 37 continuous years. It's one of the nation's largest Easter sunrise services, attracting visitors from all 50 states and many foreign countries, with one purpose - to celebrate that Christ is Risen!
This year's service will feature special guest Michael Tait from the Newsboys, the Capital Church Choir & Orchestra under the direction of Sue Dodge and an inspiring Easter message from Pastor Amos Dodge. Over 6,000 people are expected to attend.
The Easter Sunrise service will begin at 6:30 AM EST on Sunday, April 5, 2015 on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC.
For more information, please contact Capital Church at 703-757-1200 or visit www.eastersunrise.com