Honoring Wynter Pitts: The Touching Tributes of Her Daughter Alena and Cousin Priscilla Shirer
Priscilla Shirer, daughter of Dr. Tony Evans and cousin to Wynter Pitts who died suddenly this week, is sharing a heartwarming memory of Wynter.
Priscilla posted a special photo to Instagram from the time when she was starring in the movie "The War Room," alongside her niece, Alena Pitts, Wynter's daughter.
Priscilla writes, "There was this one time, 4 years ago, when my cousin Wynter & I spent the whole summer filming a movie called War Room. Her daughter @alenapitts played my daughter in the movie."
"We couldn't believe that God would let us take that incredible adventure ...together as a family. Nothing but fond memories of sweaty, hot, exhausting 12 hr days working on set, then celebrating with a couple glam, red carpet moments too. So grateful for those moments. Will miss you terribly Wynt. Enter His presence and Rest In Peace."
"There was this one time, 4 years ago, when my cousin Wynter & I spent the whole summer filming a movie called War Room. Her daughter @alenapitts played my daughter in the movie. We couldn't believe that God would let us take that incredible adventure ....together as a family. Nothing but fond memories of sweaty, hot, exhausting 12 hr days working on set, then celebrating with a couple glam, red carpets moments too. So grateful for those moments. Will miss you terribly Wynt. Enter His presence and Rest In Peace."
CBN News interviewed young Alena a few years after she acted in "The War Room" alongside her aunt, when she had just released a book.
Alena co-wrote Hello Stars with her mom Wynter, who was a Christian author, blogger and founder of For Girls Like You magazine.
It was the first book in a three-book series, and it's based on the experiences Alena learned from making "War Room."
She says the idea for a book was birthed from her mom's prayers, whose mission in life was to empower and equip girls to boldly become who God has created them to be.
"I realize not only does God want to talk to us and things like that but he also hears us and he knows our wildest dreams and things like that," Alena told CBN News. "And especially my mom, cause she just randomly said one day we should write a book. And then I was like ok we'll pray about it, and then three weeks later we ended up writing a book."
Despite her young age, Alena showed remarkable maturity in writing a touching tribute to her mom, right after she died.
She wrote on Instagram, "On July 24, 2018 Jesus took my precious mommy (@forgirlslikeyou) off this earth. It happened within a couple hours and was so sudden. My heart hurts like never before. Comfort seems far. Anxiety is extremely present. It still feels like a dream that I will wake up from soon. I will remember those thirty minutes for the rest of my life. And I will remember the pain I felt as I found out."
"But the nurse repeated this phrase to me as I walked down that hospital hallway. And for some reason I couldn't forget them. As they told me my mom had passed, these words continued and still continue to pound in my head. 'I'm gonna tell you something I need you never to forget ok? You serve a big God. A big God. Don't you ever forget that.' I serve a big God. Obstacles will be thrown at me but my God is still there. He knows what he's doing and he's got a plan. I say this not by sheer will but through faith."
"In the moment, his plan may seem outrageous and I may not understand. I continue to ask myself why me. Why did He choose my family. But I'm reminded He's in control. So even as I weep and grieve, I can smile with joy because I'll see her again. Even now she's been throwing little winks at me. Please be praying for my family as my three younger sisters and I have lost our mommy and my dad has lost his best friend."
Wynter's funeral will take place Saturday, July 28 at The Oaks Church in Red Oak, Texas.
A GoFundMe account has been set up by a family friend to help her husband and four daughters with any needed financial assistance.