'This Is God's Heart, His Desire for Us to Be One Race': Christians Join in Racial Unity on Stone Mountain
More than one hundred years after the Ku Klux Klan celebrated at the top of Georgia's Stone Mountain, hundreds of Christians from across races and denominations gathered there to denounce racism this weekend.
Making the climb to the top of the mountain, participants in the event dubbed "One Race" took part in a day of reconciliation, prayer, and worship.
Attendees say the experience was a step toward fulfilling the will of Jesus and the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Jesus did say that the world will know that we are disciples when we love each other and we are one, so this is God's heart, his desire for us to be one race," Eric Cha of Victory World Church explained.
Pastors at the event signed the Atlanta Covenant, vowing to stand against racism and Christian disunity.
That covenant states, "Today, as the Church of Jesus Christ, we repent of racism and reject any 'religious movement' that embraces it. The church of Jesus Christ must express the values of love, unity, empathy, and forgiveness, which are critical components of the Kingdom of God."
Pastor Johnson Bowie of Victory World Church Atlanta said, "Jesus' big prayer in John 17 is that we would be one. For way too long we have just been okay being separate. Martin Luther King said so many years ago that the church hours in America are the most segregated hours in America."
"We can't expect the world and the nation to come together if the church can't do it," said Montell Jordan of Victory World Church. "I just feel like what a great time, what a great opportunity to see the body of Christ come together."