Garner Aftermath: 4 Steps to Tackling Race Issues
People across the nation are speaking out against a New York City grand jury's decision not to indict a white NYPD officer of any criminal wrongdoing in the chokehold death of Eric Garner.
The New York grand jury's decision comes less than a week after the decision in the Michael Brown case in Ferguson, Missouri.
CBN News spoke to Bishop Harry Jackson, from Hope Christian Church in Bethesda, Maryland, about police brutality, how the church should respond, and more.
"This last incident has really just brought all of our historic problems once again to the fore, Jackson said. "I don't think blacks are saying that all whites are racist and this is a sign of manifest racism in New York St. Louis, Ferguson area, what they are saying is it is time for us to address this problem," Jackson added.
Can the Christian Church address these issues? Watch Bishop Jackson's interview with CBN News Reporter/Anchor Mark Martin. Jackson explains a four-step, practical approach to tackling the racial and economic issues that lead to violence in the black community.