Ex-Porn Star-Turned-Pastor Joins Revival: 'God Is Moving … in a Unique Way'
Ex-porn actor Joshua Broome is on a mission to spread the Gospel and help people build stronger and healthier relationships with the Lord.
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Now a preacher and evangelist, he routinely shares the Gospel at churches, schools, and other areas, explaining how the Lord radically transformed his life.
Broome was at Rupp Arena in downtown Lexington, Kentucky, Sunday night for a powerful, last-minute revival meeting hosted by Christian evangelist Nick Hall.
He joined CBN’s Faithwire Monday to describe what it was like to speak to hundreds of Asbury students and community members who came together to continue their praise and worship services after a now-viral revival experience broke out on the Asbury University campus earlier this month.
“They wanted to continue to worship,” Broome said of those seeking to continue after Asbury shut down the public procession. “They wanted to continue to seek God, there was this overwhelming hunger. Nick saw an opportunity, and he … reached out to Rupp Arena.”
The rest, as the saying goes, is history. Broome recalled observing a “visible hunger” for the Lord during Sunday’s event and said the gathering’s theme was repentance.
“God is moving in a very unique way,” Broome said. “God is doing a new thing that He’s done in the past … there’s momentum. People want to be a part of it and they feel drawn to it.”
Watch Broome discuss the revival event:
Despite the chaos in culture, Broome said he believes God is “calling to His people” and cited the revivals at Asbury, Lee University, and other locations as evidence of this mighty move of the Lord.
“In a very real way, the world is so incredibly dark,” he said. “People are getting free from bondage. There’s marriages being restored. There’s addictions being broken. There’s people who have suicidal ideation, and they’re saying, ‘Hey, I want to live a life, and I believe that there’s a purpose bigger than myself.'”
Broome said he hopes to inspire people through his journey of leaving the porn industry, finding Jesus, and experiencing total restoration.
Watch what Broome had to say about the revival event here.
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