Ex-Porn Star Says She Waited Until Marriage to Have Sex with Pastor Husband
Brittni De La Mora, previously known as a porn star, is encouraging women to wait until marriage to have sex with their future spouses.
De La Mora says after becoming a Christian she decided to refrain from sexual activity until marriage and encouraged women to remember that sexual purity always starts with the heart, according to her recent blog post.
Before she found Jesus as her Savior, De La Mora was a rising star in the adult film industry.
She performed in hundreds of films, was named one of Maxim Magazine's top 12 female performers in porn and she also placed second in a porn ranking on Playboy TV.
She was also taking in thousands of dollars but God had other plans in store for her life.
Craig Gross' XXXChurch played a key role in her coming to know Jesus and De La Mora soon left her former lifestyle and lucrative paycheck behind.
"When I first began going to Cornerstone Church of San Diego I had just left the Adult Film Industry, where I had filmed roughly 375 scenes," she said in her blog.
"Yes, I know, that is a lot. I went into Church so broken and had come to the end of myself. I was so far down in life I had nowhere to look but up. I knew that my way in life was not working. I was almost 26 years old, single, broke, and depressed," she added.
As she started to learn more about Jesus her mindset began to change.
"As I began reading the Bible, I learned a new way of living. I knew God had given me a second chance at life and I wanted to do whatever I could to do it right this time," she said.
CBN's "The 700 Club" interviewed Brittni to hear her testimony:
Not only did she change her heart, but also decided to wait until marriage to have sex.
"I thought, 'If an ex-porn star could wait to have sex until marriage, then anyone can do it,'" she said. "In Church, I heard so many great stories from women who had bad relationships, they were sexually intimate prior to marriage and fought all the time, but God restored them."
"Although I love a good restoration story I did not want that story. I wanted to be able to say, 'Sexual purity is not easy, but it is possible, and if I can do it, so can you," she added.
God also brought a man into her life that wanted to wait to have sex until marriage as well.
"I was celibate for 3 years and my husband for 7 years," she said. "Honoring God has been important to us since the day we met Him. I am so grateful that my husband and I chose to honor God over our desires and temptations. We did it the right way because we did it God's way. Because of this I can truly say that I have been blessed with a great marriage. God continues to favor us and bless us with mind blowing opportunities."
She continues to remind other women that God is faithful to those who are faithful to him and that purity isn't just a physical issue--it's a heart issue.
"To my friends whom are dating or want to date, purity is not easy, but honoring God is always worth it," she advised. "If you've been intimate with your partner, I would encourage you to give purity a chance. God will honor and bless you immensely for honoring Him," she said.
"Purity always starts with the heart. To keep a pure heart, I seek God everyday through worship, prayer and reading the Bible. I continue to overlook offenses and quickly forgive those who hurt me," she added.