As Another State Pushes for Killing Babies at Birth, Pence Blasts Democrats as Party of 'Infanticide'
In the push by Democratic-controlled legislatures for completely unrestricted abortion, the state of Vermont is considering the most radical abortion law in the world.
H-0057, with 91 co-sponsors, would create an absolute right to an abortion with no limitations -- a move that would allow abortion of viable babies.
It comes less than two weeks after New York passed a similar law, and days after a Virginia bill legalizing abortion up to the moment of birth was defeated amidst a public outcry.
The Vermont bill even stipulates that "a fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus shall not have independent rights under Vermont law," which one expert warned would open to the door to gruesome fetal experimentation.
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Vice President Mike Pence writes in The National Review that the Democratic Party's embrace of "infanticide...is morally reprehensible and evil."
"This shameless embrace of a culture of death is startling to every American who cherishes life," Pence says. "Not too long ago, the Democratic party's stated position was that abortion should be 'safe, legal, and rare.' It was this widespread rejection of late-term abortion that led a large bipartisan majority in Congress to pass the partial-birth-abortion ban in 2003. But now look at how far the Democratic party has fallen."
"Until we heard those cheers coming from Albany and the defense of the indefensible over the airwaves in Virginia, we thought states were moving beyond such barbaric practices," he writes. "These Virginia and New York late-term abortion bills should be a call to action for all Americans."
Pence also compared these extreme new abortion laws to what takes place in North Korea and China.
Franklin Graham, who urged the Catholic Church to consider excommunicating New York Governor Andrew Cuomo for backing and signing that state's abortion bill, warned, "The legislators that pass these laws will have to give an account to God for every murdered life one day."
He added, "May God have mercy on our nation."