President Donald Trump Tells Mike Huckabee Why The 2020 Election is So Important
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee sat down with President Trump Saturday night to discuss the upcoming election, COVID-19, and an array of other topics.
Trump pointed out that the Republican National Convention, which begins on Monday will be considerably different than the Democratic National Convention that took place last week.
"It's been very dark and they're not talking about law and order, they're not talking about police. They don't want to get into it when they look at Portland, New York, or Chicago - these Democratic-run states."
While discussing the pandemic, the president noted that he took action to stop travel from China to prevent its spread throughout the US.
He gave governors across the nation the authority to run their states as they saw fit.
"We have 50 states and I let the 50 governors run their states. Most of them weren't equipped. They had empty cupboards because nobody thought a thing like this could happen. Putting the ban on people heavily affected people coming in from China, long before it would have been fashionable. That was a big move. We made a lot of good moves and if you look at what's happening...the numbers are way down."
Prior to the pandemic, the American economy was the "greatest in the history of our country." President Trump explained that the “ country was coming together" and that the American people will persevere.
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"We created the hottest economy, best stock market, best employment numbers. We just about had 160 million people working...that never happened before. African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic-American - everybody was working...women, people without a high school degree, great scholars. How do you get the country together? Success," Trump added.
Earlier this month, the president signed executive orders with the goal of improving healthcare for all Americans including those in rural areas and for senior citizens.
Improvements started by eliminating Obamacare and updating healthcare regulations.
"We got rid of the worst part of Obamacare, but we've run the carcass of Obamacare very well and the people are doing better than they would of done," Trump said.
He discussed the recent breakthroughs in the Middle East, like the historic peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.
"They didn't see that coming and when I moved the embassy to Jerusalem, Golan Heights, and then terminating the Iran deal," he said.
Trump and Huckabee examined the ongoing riots and looting across the country, which was a subject that was absent from last week’s Democratic National Convention.
"They don't even mention it. They don't mention police. The fact that they're going to take away your guns because right now people want the Second Amendment more than they've ever wanted it. The Second Amendment is so big. Life is so big. The Supreme Court is so big."
And the president reiterated his support for pro-life legislation and explained on a personal level the value of life.
"I've seen it with a friend of mine where they were going to go the abortion route and they didn't do it and they have one of the finest young people I've ever met," he said. "I've seen that a number of times. It's a beautiful thing.
"That issue can change radically, drastically if you put in just one more judge that's on the radical left. This is going to be the most important election in the history of our country," the president concluded.
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