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Jonathan Cahn: Our World Is on Fire, and It Was all Foretold

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The Ancient Prophecies & Mysteries Behind What Is Happening to Our World

One of the end-time mysteries in The Dragon's Prophecy concerns the nation of Iran. The Bible foretells that in the last days, not only will Israel be in the center of world controversy – but so will the nation of Iran (Persia) – So they are. It specifically prophesies that Iran will be Israel's enemy. So it is. Further, it foretells that Iran will attack the land of Israel. The fulfillment of this is still yet to come. But it has never before happened that Iran actually and directly attacked the nation of Israel. As I was working on The Dragon's Prophecy, I was opening several ancient mysteries that ordained the attack of Iran on Israel - and then it happened. For the first time ever, Iran directly attacked the land of Israel. We crossed a prophetic line. And now, on the eve of the Hebrew holy days, Iran has again crossed a prophetic line in sending ballistic missiles into Israel. Israel has promised to strike back. Iran has promised deadly consequences. We are truly living in prophetic times. I didn't plan to write The Dragon's Prophecy. The Lord interrupted me. Now I know why!


Our world is on fire. That which was ignited one year ago on October 7, when Hamas, backed by Iran, invaded Israel and massacred over 1,200 Israeli men, women, youths, children and babies now rages throughout the Middle East. Israel has struck Hezbollah. Iran has struck Israel. And the world now watches on edge in fear of the beginning of a regional war, if not a world war.

What is happening? Is the world spiraling out of control?

It was a Friday night when I was led to speak at Beth Israel, the congregation I lead in northern New Jersey on an ancient mystery. The mystery was over three thousand years old. It went back to the Bible, to the Book of Leviticus. It wasn't what I fathomed would happen, but the mystery itself ordained that a calamity would come to the nation of Israel. More specifically, the mystery determined the following:  

1.    Israel would be invaded. The invasion would catch the nation off-guard.  It would result in calamity.
2.    The invasion would take place in the year 2023.
3.    It would happen in the autumn of that year.
4.    It would take place in the month of October. 
5.    It would happen on a Saturday, the Sabbath, the Jewish holy day of rest.
6.    It would take place on an ancient Hebrew holy day, one that went back to Mount Sinai and the Book of Leviticus.
7.    It would lead to war.
8.    It would take place on the first Saturday of October of 2023.

The first Saturday of October 2023 fell on October 7. On October 7, Israel was invaded, and the nation was caught off guard. The result was a calamity that would lead to war. It happened on the Sabbath and on a Hebrew holy day, Shemini Atzeret, that was given on Mount Sinai and went back to the book of Leviticus. In fact, it happened the very next day after I shared the mystery.  

It was this mystery and these events that led me to preempt the book I was about to write and begin working instead on what would become The Dragon's Prophecy: Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days. Something happened as I wrote the book that I never before experienced — what I was writing would come true in the world right after I wrote it — so much so, that I had to keep rewriting and updating the book up until now when it was released.  

In fact, after I finished the manuscript, three other events came true that were ordained in the same mystery. In fact, this single mystery may enable us to know what is coming, future events and exactly when they are to happen. For there is more to the world than meets our eyes. What is now taking place in the Middle East and threatening the peace of the entire world is all part of these mysteries. Yes, the world is at a most dangerous moment — but it is not out of control. In fact, the conflagration we are witnessing, from Israel to Hamas to Hezbollah to the Houthis and ultimately to Iran, is all part of a prophetic mystery that sits in the bookcases or night tables in our houses — the Bible.

The ancient biblical and end-time prophecies foretell that in what is called "the last days," the Jewish people will be gathered from the ends of the earth and brought back to the land of Israel. On that day, the nations of the world will be strangely focused, obsessed, with the tiny Jewish state the size of New Jersey. The world will rage against that stage. The Bible also speaks of the nation of Iran. One of the things it foretells is that in that time when Israel is back in the world, the nation of Iran will turn against the Jewish nation — will come against the Jewish nation — will attack the Jewish nation.

There is so much more that was foretold and that is now unfolding literally before our eyes, far more than I can put here. Perhaps I was led to write books. But the takeaway is this — while we live in the most perilous times — there is a plan, there is a destiny. We can even know where it is heading, what the future holds and how to survive, stand and prevail in what is yet to come. 

But for that we must return to what the world around us, our culture, and our nation have forgotten — God is real. His word is true. And He remains the only answer to the crisis of our world — and of our lives. For there is more to the world than meets our eyes — and if we seek with our all hearts — we will find it.

Jonathan Cahn is the author of his just-released book "The Dragon's Prophecy" available wherever books are sold. He is the author of numerous New York Times bestselling books. He was named along with Billy Graham as one of the top 40 spiritual leaders who radically impacted our world. He has spoken at the United Nations and on Capitol Hill. His messages on the web (Jonathan Cahn YouTube) have received over one hundred million views. He leads Hope of the World (, a compassion outreach to the world's most needy and the Jerusalem Center/ Beth Israel, a worship center made up of all peoples, in Wayne, New Jersey.

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About The Author


Best-selling author; Has sold over 2 million copies of his book, The Harbinger His latest: The Harbinger II, Charisma House, 2020 Leads Hope of the World ministry, an international outreach of teaching, evangelism and compassion projects for the needy Leads Jerusalem Center/Beth Israel, a worship center made up of Jews and Gentiles just outside of NYC Sought-after speaker Has spoken at United Nations, on Capitol Hill and to millions around the world