End Times Expert Explains Hamas, the Prophet Ezekiel, and History That Led to This Harrowing Moment
Author and communications strategist Joel Rosenberg broke down the reasons he believes Hamas chose this month to wage a deadly terror attack against Israel while also detailing the organization’s radical ideology.
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“It was the 50th anniversary of the biggest sneak attack in the modern state of Israel’s history — October 6th, 1973, what was known as the Yom Kippur War, where Egypt invaded Israel from the south, Syria from the north, and it was devastating,” Rosenberg said. “And Israel did prevail with American help.”
Considering the history and past patterns of radical Muslim groups, he said, anniversaries tend to be times during which these bad actors like to strike. Beyond that, though, he explained contentious issues inside Israel opened the nation up to potential attack.
“Israel has been deeply divided internally over … political issues, over judicial reform, and other things,” he said. “There were hundreds of thousands of Israelis on the streets every week protesting Netanyahu’s government, even soldiers.”
Rosenberg said these political divisions on the homefront likely created a perceived vulnerability.
“I think Hamas, and, more importantly, the Iranian leadership said, ‘Israel’s divided — let’s go get ’em.'”
Ironically, the Hamas attack against Israel has unified different factions within Israel, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu creating a unity government approved by Israel’s parliament. Formed during emergencies, this version of government brings together opposing factions to tackle significant issues.
Other issues potentially at the core of Hamas’ assault, Rosenberg believes, are the Arab-Peace treaties and relationships agreed upon in recent years.
He said these agreements might have potentially created a “false sense of security” and let down some guards.
Rosenberg also explained Hamas’ history, noting it’s essentially an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood that began in 1987. Far from having normative policies, Hamas wants to annihilate Israel and dominate, with Rosenberg calling Hamas a “genocidal organization.”
“If you read the charter of Hamas … it’s crystal clear,” the author said. “They want to annihilate, eradicate every Jew in the land of Israel, destroy the … nation-state of Israel, and … take it over.”
He said Hamas is funded, armed, and trained by the Iranian regime, adding further danger to the already flammable situation.
Rosenberg rounded out the discussion by speaking about another one of Iran’s relationships — its growing friendship with Russia. While the author said the eschatological pieces aren’t yet lined up, he pointed to the Prophet Ezekiel and events prophesied in chapters 38 and 39 surrounding a war of Gog and Magog and an attack on Israel.
He, among other Christian leaders, believes Magog is Russia, and with Persia (modern-day Iran) listed among the nations partnered with Magog, current dynamics are certainly noteworthy.
While Rosenberg said he doesn’t think the present crisis is mentioned explicitly in this part of Ezekiel, he does have some interesting theories about what could potentially unfold due to the current situation.
Watch him explain here.
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