'There's No Science Behind That': Actor Rob Schneider Passionately Checkmates 'Bleak' Worldview Within Atheism
Comedian Rob Schneider believes having a “foundation in God” can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment — and studies consistently back this assertion.
Listen to them on the latest episode of “Quick Start”
In addition to revealing “hope and strength” found in faith, Schneider also recently told CBN News he finds the atheistic worldview to be so often devoid of hope.
“This idea that things just blew up and … the universe is things bumping into things, and expanding, and that we, as human beings, are just this freak … accident that happened,” he said. “[This idea] that this empathy, and compassion, and love that we feel is just this accident that happened, and there’s no reason for it, and nothing will come of it, and eventually the universe will just be a series of black holes.”
Schneider said he finds such arguments uncompelling and uncorroborated.
“I would just go, ‘Well, wait a minute. There’s no science behind that,'” he said. “And that is a bleak, horrible way to go through life.”
Watch Schneider explain:
Schneider said the evidence of love, compassion, and empathy we see in other people exists because it comes from God, the ultimate source of these emotions and expressions.
The actor also said he’s spent time of late working on a script about the Shroud of Turin, a famous linen cloth some believe bears the image of Jesus; proponents believe the fascinating apparition was infused on the fabric during his resurrection.
Schneider said his movie about the subject is inching closer to being made, and plans to play a Benedictine monk who helps prove the Shroud is legitimate.
While the film’s future is still uncertain, one fact is undeniable: the project has built up Schneider’s faith.
“When you dig into the Shroud of Turin, which is the burial cloth of Jesus Christ, you realize that it could not have possibly been, as they say, a medieval forgery,” he said. “What the Shroud of Turin ultimately is is the receipt. That’s why it’s such an important thing. It’s … the receipt of the price that was paid by Jesus Christ’ forgiveness for all of humanity.”
He continued, “I couldn’t work on this and couldn’t see this without being so moved by it.”
Read more about Schneider’s faith here.