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Church Loses Appeal of NYC School Worship Ban


The U.S. Supreme Court has again rejected an appeal from a small church in the Bronx that tried to overturn New York City's ban on after-hours religious worship services in public schools.

Obama 'Not at War with Islam' Declaration Mocked


President Barack Obama is defending the Muslim religion in his White House summit on countering violent extremism, saying that terrorists are not really following Islam.

Judge: No Right to Religiously Motivated Actions


A Washington state florist who refused to provide flowers for a gay wedding has been found guilty of breaking the law.

Critics on Islam: Time to Face Facts, Mr. President


The president is standing his ground, refusing to say terrorist groups like ISIS and al Qaeda are connected to Islam. But critics are urging him to face the facts about Islamic terrorism.

Texas Mom Turns Son in for Burglary


A young man in Texas was arrested for stealing after he was turned in by his mother.

Pro-Russian Rebels Announce Pullback


On Tuesday, Pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine announced they had begun a large-scale pullback of heavy weapons.


Old Man Winter Maintains Icy Grip on Much of US


Bitterly cold temperatures continue to grip much of the U.S. Friday.  This is the coldest it's been in 20 years. 

US to Launch Op to Retake Mosul from ISIS

The Pentagon is announcing an upcoming operation to take back Iraq's second largest city from the Islamic State. The operation will involve up to 25,000 Iraqi and Pershmerga troops trained by the U.S.-led coalition.