Your Daddy Misses You!
Have you veered away from God? I’m sure your Father misses you very much.
Ever since my son went to Heaven, I have longed to talk with him. If I could just hear his voice, I know I would feel better. At times, I almost feel like I could throw up because it hurts so badly. Job said,
“It’s enough to turn anyone’s stomach!” (See, MSG)
I explained it to a friend this way. Your teenager or young adult is out real late at night. You call and call them on the cell phone and they won’t answer. If you can just hear their voice, then you’re okay. And no matter how mad you are at that child for not answering, you are still at peace when you know they are safe and sound.
From time to time, a very special friend whom we call Uncle Bob will write on our son’s Facebook wall. This section really stood out to me, “A parent’s love is an awesome thing. I’m sure it is a close representation of God’s love for us. Your articles were a great expression of your love for God and how you applied your love for God to your life. Your mom's writing is more about her love and admiration for you. Her memories of you are fond and her pride in you has no boundaries. It is good to be loved liked that.”
Our Father God feels the same about us. His love for us is incredible. Even in bitterness, Job knew this. Look at
MSG:"You gave me life itself, and incredible love."
Paul reminded believers the greatness of God’s love during times of disobedience in
MSG,"It's a wonder God didn't lose his temper and do away with the whole lot of us. Instead, immense in mercy and with an incredible love, he embraced us."
One time as a little girl, I hid from my mother because I had an accident in my pants. We were at my grandparents and they lived on a lake. My mom called and called to me fearing I had drowned. Finally, when I came out of hiding and answered her call, she was so grateful to hear my voice. She just hugged me and hugged me.
Many times we hide in fear from God because of something we’ve done wrong. And all the while, He just wants to hear that voice of ours. He’s our Daddy and if we’ll just call to Him, everything will be okay. He’ll help us clean up our messes.
"I called out your name, O God, called from the bottom of the pit. You listened when I called out, 'Don't shut your ears! Get me out of here! Save me!' You came close when I called out. You said, 'It's going to be all right.'”MSG
Last night, we went to dinner with some very close friends. Their little five-year-old daughter asked me, “Sue, do you miss Byron?” I answered her, “Oh yes! I do miss Byron.” “Still?” she exclaimed. I bent down and said, “Honey, I’ll miss Byron forever.”
It doesn’t matter how long you’re away from the Father. Your Daddy misses you and will continue to do so till He hears your voice. If you haven’t talked to Him lately, I’m sure He would love hearing from you.
"O my dove, [here] in the clefts in the rock, in the sheltered and secret place of the steep pathway, let me see your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely." Song of Solomon 2:14 AMP
Copyright © 2009 Sue Bohnert. Used by permission.