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When We Remember Our First Love

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Can you believe we’re in the middle of Christmastime already? Once October rolls around, it always seems like a mad dash to the new year. So, how are you doing? Seriously. In case no one’s stopped to ask, how are you doing in the busyness of this season? 

My hope is that when you get into those “can’t catch my breath” moments… or those “this is too emotionally painful” times, you will step back from everything and sit in God’s presence to remember Him, to focus on Him alone. 

As for me, I’m better. There was a season when I was kid, after my dad moved on to heaven, when I thought Christmas would never be the same again, would never be as joyful. And then after my mom left for heaven, I simply dreaded December—and part of me still does. 

Setting up a real tree isn’t appealing anymore, something I once loved to do with family. Instead, I now set up a tiny tabletop plastic tree on a corner table and place a wreath on the door. That’s about it. And I’m content. Parties and traditional holiday activities no longer interest me either. Maybe that will change, but for now, it’s how I manage. 

Basically, I just want to get to the new year as unscathed as possible… because every time I hear a certain song or watch a certain movie, all the good memories of times that don’t exist anymore rush through my head and heart, and then I crumble into that thing called depression, and that’s not how I want to live.

And I don’t have to. And you don’t either. We can make the choice to concentrate on the One whose birthday we celebrate: Jesus! 

But even when we are in that festive holiday spirit of running around shopping, wrapping presents, and going to Christmas events, do we truly have Him first in our hearts, minds, and souls? If not, it’s kind of like going to someone’s birthday party just for the atmosphere and to get a piece of delicious cake and visit with folks we haven’t seen in a while—while inadvertently ignoring the person of honor. 

In Revelation 2:4, Jesus says, “I have this [charge] against you, that you have left your first love [you have lost the depth of love that you first had for Me]" (AMP). Doesn’t reading that verse make your heart hurt? 

When we remember Jesus, and truly focus on Him, even those of us who aren’t celebrating in big ways can have His joy and peace of the season rekindled in our hearts by His Holy Spirit—and then celebrating Christmas becomes special again.

Because it isn’t about how we celebrate, it’s about Who we celebrate: Jesus, the Messiah, our hope, our peace, our joy, the Mighty Lion of Judah who reigns forever and ever, no longer a baby in the manger—the King of kings and the Lord of lords, who, at the appointed time, will return to this earth. “Behold,” He says, “I am making all things new.” (Revelation 21:5) When we really contemplate who Jesus is, how could we ever forget Him at Christmas or any day of the year?

Dear Jesus, forgive us when we unintentionally ignore You or intentionally put You second, especially during the Christmas season when we celebrate Your birthday. Help us to truly understand who You are and what You did for us and all of humanity. If anyone deserves great praise and attention and adoration, it is You! Thank You for coming to this earth on a mission to save us all. We love You, we are amazed by You, and we honor You each and every day! Amen.


Scripture is quoted from the Amplified® Bible, Copyright © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

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About The Author

Sandra Holcombe

Sandra Holcombe writes, copyedits, and proofreads for CBN’s Direct Marketing team. She holds an MFA in script and screenwriting from Regent University, a BA in English and theatre from Old Dominion, and is an alumnus of Act One: Writing for Hollywood. She’s also a professional voiceover artist who originated the role of young Gizmo in CBN’s GizmoGO! animation series. Along with acting in CBN's Spunky and Storyteller Café shows, she's voiced thousands of commercials in the U.S. and abroad, and currently voices projects for CBN International. Before heaven, she wants to give readers hope through