What Is Your Greatest Form of Worship?
For many the first thought when they hear the word “worship” is of Sunday morning church services. Some would even include the process of getting ready and driving to church.
As a little girl, I heard worship used much more as a noun than a verb. Sunday mornings brought the words, “Hurry and get ready so we can go to worship.” “We don’t want to be late for worship.” “Don’t forget your Bible. We are going to worship.”
When I searched online for a definition of worship, one of the first sites I visited posted a list of nouns—Sunday church services, midweek services, baptism, weddings, funerals—all occasional nouns that miss the real meaning of worship.
What is your interpretation of the word worship? Many words may come to mind such as thankfulness, respect, love, praise, offering, honor, submission, and service.
Mary gives us a beautiful picture of worship in
as she kneels at Jesus’ feet to wash His feet with perfume and dry them with her hair. We can only imagine the reactions of those around her as she used such costly perfume to anoint the feet of Jesus. The Bible mentions the criticism of Judas Iscariot. He felt Mary was foolish to “waste” the expensive nard on Jesus’ feet. Judas suggested it could be better put to use to take care of the poor.But Jesus reprimanded Judas saying we would always have the poor but He would not always be there. In other words, Mary was reacting to the moment of being in Jesus’ presence and taking advantage of showing her love and respect for Him. Jesus accepted Mary’s action as an act of pure worship.
Do you regularly perform acts that are pure worship to Jesus?
Your first thought may be Well, I go to church most Sundays. And I went to the Sunday School Christmas party last year. And when the pastor’s daughter got married, we attended. Your thoughts might go on and on. But what we are talking about here are heartfelt expressions of your love for Jesus.
You may not consider going about your normal daily routine to be worship. Bur several activities might be considered true worship when performed from the heart. A few may include:
- Caring for your children. Your children are a gift from God. Caring for the gifts He gives us can be an act of worship, respect, and love for Him. You are His hands and feet and He wants you to use those to bless others. Next time you see a child or a grandchild, look closely in their eyes. They will reflect God’s love in a unique way. Your response to that love is truly an act of worship.
- Visiting a neighbor or friend who cannot get out and about. You bring God’s love to your friends when you care enough to give them a bit of your time.
- Your work can be an offering of praise and worship to God.
“And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;” (KJV)
Many times we look to man for applause and recognition. However, when we truly follow our life’s calling and pour ourselves into it, we are honoring God. This becomes an act of worship that others will recognize as such.
Even though we cannot kneel physically at the feet of Jesus, we can create the same offering of praise and worship to him through our lives each day. What will you offer him today?
Copyright © 2019 Linda J. Gilden, used by permission.