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Trusting God During Economic Uncertainty

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We are in a time of economic uncertainty with rising inflation, gas prices, housing expenses, and grocery costs. Thankfully, God’s ability to provide for His children is not dependent on the stability of the economy. Even when there is economic uncertainty in the world around us, as children of God, we can trust Him to provide for our daily needs.

When warnings of a coming recession emerged, I began reflecting on my testimony of God providing for me during the Great Recession of 2007 while I was a graduate school student trusting God for food, gas, tuition, and housing. During my prayer time back then, I would pray for God to provide for me during the Great Recession and beyond. God provided for me through my new job, scholarships, and by giving me wise budgeting strategies to steward what He provided.

Psalm 143:5 CSB states, “I remember the days of old; I meditate on all you have done; I reflect on the work of your hands.”

Remembering how God provided for me during previous hard times caused me to have hope in the current financial difficulties in society. This time of meditation on all that God has done serves as comfort when the world’s economy is shaky.

The Bible is filled with accounts of people trusting God during moments of financial difficulties or when the need was greater than the supply on hand. One example is when the fish and loaves of bread were multiplied to feed the crowd of thousands. The crowd was in need and the supply was much less than the demand of the hungry men, women, and children. The food was miraculously multiplied so that everyone in attendance ate and were satisfied (See Matthew 14:15-21).

A while ago, I coordinated a street evangelism and feeding crusade in a local park where homeless men and women gathered. My team’s food supply was limited and as soon as we started setting up the tables and chairs, I saw that there were more people than food. I quietly prayed for a miracle as I continued to set up the tables and began to set out what little food that we had. Shortly after my prayer, a man drove up in a truck and explained that he was supposed to feed the homeless community just blocks away but his team did not show up, leaving him with a truck full of fresh food that he did not want to go to waste. As he opened the truck door to show me all the fresh food, I stood in awe as I thanked God and thanked this kind man for offering the food to us. As we unloaded the truck, I thought of how much God cared for us to connect us so that we could feed the homeless community in the park that day. More and more people showed up with their hands open, ready to receive, and the food miraculously never ran out. We ended the day with leftovers that I could send several new homeless friends away with as we prayed for them, offered Christ as their Savior, and provided resources to assist them with housing and other needs.  

Psalm 143:6 declares, “I spread out my hands to you; I am like parched land before you. Selah.”

When I had a need to provide for my homeless friends in the park that day, I spread my hands to God and He provided. May we who are God’s children always stretch our hands towards God in expectation that we can trust Him to provide.


Scripture is quoted from the Christian Standard Bible. Copyright © 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible®, and CSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers, all rights reserved.

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About The Author

Dayna Lovelady

Dayna has been with CBN since 2005. She is an Employee Engagement Manager unifying CBN and OB staff through technology, communication, and prayer. She has a Master's of Business Administration and graduated from Regent University with a Master of Divinity. She enjoys family time, reading, running, weightlifting, fishing, and traveling in her spare time.

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