Time with My Father
Every year when the cottonwoods bloomed, my father took us on a walk in the woods.
As he led us across our pasture, over the creek, and into the woods, Daddy quizzed us about the names of the flowers and trees we encountered. He was pleased when we knew, but there were always some I could not identify. This became a teaching moment, and Daddy encouraged me to pick a flower or leaf so I could grow familiar with them.
The dogwoods were laden with blossoms, and wildflowers were scattered throughout the green grass. There were dandelions, wild violets, and stray daffodils. We saw an occasional rabbit or squirrel, which scampered away when we got too close.
This was a springtime ritual. No matter what we had learned on previous years’ walks, I never minded hearing it again. Invariably, I learned new things and relearned things I had forgotten. The best part of it all was spending time with Daddy. It was fun, and I loved those walks, simply because I was spending time with him.
I will be your Father, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the LORD Almighty. (NLT)
Our Heavenly Father wants to spend time with us, and He wants us to enjoy spending time with Him. He delights in us, and He always has time for us. He is never too busy. Like a loving Father, God is available whenever His children need Him and when we just want to enjoy His company.
As I spend time early in the morning praying and studying Scripture, I feel myself growing closer to God. He opens the Scriptures and often shows me facets of verses I have not noticed before. I am learning so much as I sit at His feet. These early morning times with God are so special to me. As I loved being with my daddy as a child, I love being in the presence of my Abba Father.
God uses those times as teaching moments. I am learning that when battles come, and they will, to stand strong as He fights for me. Those are the times to lean on Him and not depend upon myself. Sometimes God lets us dwell in our valleys for a season. We learn to trust Him better there.
The more time I spend with my Father, the more I learn to discern His direction for my life. I am learning to enjoy Jesus more and getting to know Him better, as I immerse myself in Bible study and prayer. I never grow tired of studying His word and of surrounding myself with fellow believers. The Holy Spirit is showing me daily how to be more deliberate in sharing His love and encouragement, so others will be drawn to Jesus.
When I asked Jesus into my heart when I was a child, I began a lifelong journey. At the time I did not realize how exciting it would be. Since then, God has led me, walked beside me, pushed me along, and sometimes carried me in His arms. I learned at an early age that I could depend on Him.
God, my Father, has continued to bless me in so many ways, especially with His constant presence in my life. In addition to being my Savior and Lord, He has also proven to be my Encourager, my Protector, and my Sustainer.
Each of us has a unique history with our Heavenly Father who is faithful and true. Join me now in giving thanks to Him for His love, mercy, and grace.
Copyright © 6/15/2020 Evelyn Mason Wells, used with permission.