A Predestined Present
During my morning prayer time, God pressed upon my heart to recite the Lord’s Prayer daily over the past month that is found in
. Although I have recited this previously over and over again, a few words jumped out at me like a flashing neon billboard this morning: “thy will be done”. Those four words ministered to my spirit, quieted my soul, and confirmed to me who is truly in control. As I questioned what is happening in our world today — a time of great chaos, divisiveness, strife, and uncertainty, God reminded me who sits on the throne and who truly reigns over everything seen and unseen: Him.I realized that I had begun to allow my carnal side to emerge, which created emotions within me that led me to focus on the world instead of what He says in His Word. I had to truly lean not on my own understanding because my view is limited in the grand scheme of life and I had to simply trust my King who governs over every nation. This may be a tall order to consider, but isn’t that what the life of a “true believer” requires? Faith, trust, and belief in Him even when everything around us does not make sense. And I admit it too, this year has been full of senseless activities that have been man-made and devised by the enemy.
But when we look to God and focus on what He says, we know that all things, not some things, all things are working “according to the counsel of His will.”
"In Him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will" (
ESV)."For kingship belongs to the Lord, and He rules over the nations" (
When I read these two verses over and over again and sat with God during our fellowship time together, He positioned me to accept what I cannot control and remember that He predetermined everything. Of course, He knows the end from the beginning and of course, He is the Alpha and Omega; whether we understand what is occurring around us or not. This convicted me in a way that I had to ask for forgiveness if I had become too controlled in my thinking instead of being led by the Spirit.
As we continue to work our way through these tumultuous times, let us not forget the God we serve. He predestined this present time. We may not agree with all of His decisions, but He knows best and if we are being challenged, we may need to ask ourselves if we are allowing the world to control our words, thoughts, and actions over our heavenly Father who sees every reaction and who rules over every nation.
Copyright © Natalie Ragland, used with permission.