One Day We'll See
Years ago, I made friends with one of the new guys on my Christian college campus. He had such a passion for God, but he was unstable in that he needed much reassurance in his walk with the Lord. I will call him “Johnnie G” from NYC.
Johnnie G made it a point to always show his appreciation for the ministry time bestowed him and one day declared that he would rent a limo and take me to the best places in NYC including tickets to the best seat to watch The Phantom of the Opera. Johnnie said, “Just let me know and I will make it happen.”
The offer would seem tempting to some people, but my focus was so much on ministry and ministering to others that I did not take the time to see the offer as an important way of connecting; instead of seeing this as some “reward” or payback. He ended up going to another Christian university and I would not see him again. I would pray for him from time to time for the next 10 years, but unfortunately, I did not consider connecting with him until 2001, after September 11.
The towers fell in NYC. I remember feeling overwhelmed like many of us, and suddenly my college friend, Johnnie G came to mind. I remember feeling so bad that I had not taken the time to connect with my friend who I had so frequently taken the time to minister to, but I did not avail myself of developing a greater friendship. So I sought him out. Unfortunately, no one knew his whereabouts which only fueled my worst fears. I even wrote someone in upper New York who had his last name in hopes of reaching him, but no reply was given.
Admittedly, during the second 10 years, I would pray for him from time to time hoping that if he were still alive that the Lord would strengthen him in his walk with God, that he would be solid and not faint. Eventually, the hopes of finding him faded and life continued as usual until the 10-year anniversary of 9/11 when the names of all who tragically passed away were being read. I listened intently when the G’s were read to see if his name was read and they moved on to the next letter of names and a huge weight came off my chest.
Two years later, I began yet another search and found someone with his name on a Christian website. I passed on my information in hopes that someone would call me back. A few days later, I receive a huge surprise. I received a call from Bogata, Columbia. It was my old friend Johnnie G. He not only was doing well serving the Lord and standing strong in Christ, but he was celebrating 20 plus years of national and international ministry!
I spent so much time concerned about my friend’s walk with Christ over the years and the Lord made this so clear: He kept Johnnie G - and Johnnie G flourished in his walk with the Lord. He became solid and he has since mentored many others.
In Jude, it says the following: "To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy..."
(NIV)And Paul writes: "Now to him who is able to establish you in accordance with my gospel, the message I proclaim about Jesus Christ, in keeping with the revelation of the mystery hidden for long ages past, ... "
My encouragement to those of you who have sown seed into people’s lives is: know that the seed will one day bear fruit. It will produce and the seeds you have sown are not in vain. It is not our responsibility to know how, or when, or if the seeds will grow. It is just our responsibility to sow and water, and it is the Lord who brings the increase. When we reach glory, we will be amazed at the bumper crop the sowing and watering produced. So, my final word to you is… keep sowing and keep watering, one day you will see the results, if not on Earth then in Heaven.
Copyright © Carlos Garcia, III, used with permission.