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Never Walk Alone

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Sometimes when I’m going through something difficult, friends will tell me about how they got through a similar situation. It’s good to have that kind of support, but when I’m still in the midst of the problem, it’s hard to see my way out to the other side.

In those times, it can be helpful to hear from someone who is going through it at the same time as myself. In those situations, my friend and I have a stronger sense of empathy for each other—because neither of us knows how our situations will turn out.

I’ve been going through a season of changes this year. Some of it started with the passing of a friend. Some of it was due to changes at work. Other changes had to do with my marriage and family. But through it all, one thing has been the most comforting: friends who are in some way going through very similar situations.

Often, I didn’t even have to seek out these friends. Lately they’ve approached me with their problems, and we shared a moment of “you feel this way too?”

When this happens, we both are comforted by having a little company in the midst of our trials and the ability to metaphorically hold hands through our troubles together. Nothing provides a ray of hope quite like walking through a situation with another.

That speck of hope is what I see in Jeremiah 48-49. These verses are known for being chaotic and full of war and bloodshed as the Lord is executing judgement on Moab and Ammon. Neither chapter feels like there is much hope as God enacts judgment on the cities—but in true biblical fashion, even the darkest of chapters contain some light.

I want to zero in on the end of chapter 48, verses 46-47:

“Woe to you, Moab! The people of Chemosh are destroyed; your sons are taken into exile and your daughters into captivity. Yet I will restore the fortunes of Moab in the days to come,” declares the Lord. Here ends the judgment on Moab (NIV).

Even when judging a city that was known for its pagan ways, the Lord still had a plan to restore the people. He still gives a little glimmer of hope. And while this verse may seem like a far cry from what you’re presently going through, I have always delighted to find verses like this one, scattered through even the bleakest of passages.

And just like the comfort I feel when someone is going through a trial at the same time as I am, God is going through our trials with us. Even when He was punishing Moab, He was still with them.

And even through my own problems—those that were brought on by my own choices and actions, and those that just happened, through no fault of my own—I know that God is there with me. He is the friend who holds my hand and tells me that He understands. Even in my loneliest, most confusing moments, I am convinced that He is never far:

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9).

Prayer: Thank You, God, for being the friend who understands, the friend who walks through trials with me. I ask forgiveness for my sins and I thank You that you are a God of hope, patience, and understanding. Thank You for never leaving my side. I love You and I need You. Amen.


Scripture is quoted from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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About The Author


Abigail Fuller served as a writer and editor at the Christian Broadcasting Network. She wrote and edited for their publications Frontlines and Miracle Living Today, directed CBN's first Nativity play, and was a co-host for their podcast, The Prayer Warriors Podcast.

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