The Nets Left Behind
The Gospels shared the life of a Christian by the examples of those who first met Jesus. After a time of many challenges in his own life, which included the times of fasting and testing by Satan, Jesus walked into the season of ministry. The difficult moments only made him stronger. Jesus was ready to face the calling of His ministry to the world.
He knew that a group of followers that would also become preachers/teachers were necessary to reach as many people as possible. Jesus was stepping into the future by calling men to "Come, follow me." The first two brothers he met were working on the sea shore and casting their nets which was a daily routine for them. His words invited the fishermen to lay down their nets, their means of livelihood, and to follow Jesus into what was in store for them. He later met two more brothers who were mending their nets in their boats and the same results occurred. They were asked to follow Jesus into a life of becoming "fishers of men." "Immediately they left the boat… and followed him."
The theme for these followers is found in
b, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near." These disciples eventually reached a total of 12 men who left everything to share the word of God to a lost world. The Good News would be carried to all who would listen. These men would not have any regrets concerning leaving their nets, livelihoods, family, and friends; but would find learning from the Master and giving voice to his message a true joy. Lives were being changed and a world filled with pain and sorrow was receiving true Light.Now I am not saying we are to walk out our front doors of our homes, never to return, and begin preaching a salvation message to the lost. But I am suggesting that we consider following Christ. When we ask the Lord to forgive us our sins and to come into our hearts, our lives should be ones of continually following him. Our actions should be of learning from the Master how to live a Christ-like life and to show others all that God has to offer them.
shows us how to live. The fruit of the Spirit is:- Love
- Joy
- Peace
- Patience
- Kindness
- Goodness
- Faithfulness
- Gentleness
- Self-Control
We, like the disciples, should leave our nets behind (which is our previous way of thinking and acting). Our lives are to possess the new life, the life of knowing Christ. Our hearts should be filled with so much joy and peace that others will notice the difference. Trusting the Lord and walking in His ways is the life of a true Christian. As we evaluate ourselves there will be opportunities to grow, challenges to face, and a true heart of following Christ. His call is to us all: "Come, follow me."
Copyright © 2012 Martha Noebel. Used by permission.