The Most Unlikely Christian
And he must needs go through Samaria (KJV).
"What's he doing talking to her?" His disciples wondered amongst themselves, but no one questioned Him. They saw her leave her waterpot, heading into the city. Questions like, "What kind of woman draws water at noon?" and "Why's He talking to a Samaritan anyway?" filled their minds. "What self-respecting Jew would get caught talking to a Samaritan, especially one with a reputation like hers?" God used her past to bring people to Him. He did it while the religious preachers and His disciples stood by, amazed.
She soon returned with the men of the city. They came to hear Jesus. Many believed because of her words, but many more after hearing Jesus speak. They were so anxious to listen that they asked Him to stay, and He did for two more days.
Isn't it funny how the Lord works? One of the lowest of society was inviting people to Jesus. She brought many with whom she had likely committed sin to faith in Him. He used her past to change their futures. While it looked scandalous to the disciples, Jesus did it on purpose. The scripture says, "He must needs go through Samaria," meaning He had a reason to go there; one sinful woman at the well.
Jesus didn't find us by coincidence either. Our past could be the very thing He can use to draw others to Him. The evident change in our lives speaks louder than anything we can say. Everyone knew who and what she was. Therefore, they had to see for themselves when she started talking about the Messiah and all He told her. I wonder how many would've come and believed had she been an average upstanding citizen. We don't always have to advertise our past to lead others to Christ. They just need to see the change in our lives.
Jesus wasn't killing time; He came where we were on purpose. He went out of His way, unconcerned with others' opinions because He already knew all about us. He chose us anyway. We should never glorify sin but praise the one who brought us out of it. Others may be drawn to Him because, in their mind, we may be the most unlikely Christian.
In this world of uncertainty, help me live before a lost and dying world in a way that will draw others to You. May the change You've made in my life be evident for all to see. May those who know me see that change and come to faith in You even though I may seem like the most unlikely Christian. Take my sinful past and use it to draw others to Your love and salvation.
Scriptures marked KJV are taken from the KING JAMES VERSION (KJV): KING JAMES VERSION, public domain.