A Moses Mentality
After recently reading a couple of great books, I am keenly aware of this one thing: there are so many people being deceived by the devil. He has caused them to believe in the Moses mentality of "I can't." They think they are inadequate and they feel they do not have anything to offer.
Moses said he was a man slow of speech. He felt that God could not use him. We must move past this thought pattern and realize that God can use anyone. We all have gifts and talents and God wants to use them for His glory. God is going to bring a mighty breakthrough to his people who are hungry for Him.
The two books I read were God's Leading Lady by Bishop T. D. Jakes and Against All Odds by Kimberly Daniels. Both of these books encouraged me to move out of the "Moses Mentality" and into the "If God Said It, It Must Be So" mindset. Here are three ways to help us with our attitudes.
1. Stop believing in the Moses mentality of "I can't".
2. Quit quenching the Holy Spirit when He speaks to you. Obey the Spirit of God.
3. Purpose to powerfully move out in the things of God.
We CAN do the things we need to do for God, no matter what they are. We WILL be obedient to the voice of God and obey ALL that the Spirit of God desires for us to do. We WILLFULLY purpose to move out in the things of God and trust Him for the results. God is with us! God is for us!
Jacob tells us in
of God's faithfulness to us no matter what we have done wrong or where we go. We can trust God to be with us in times of troubles, blessings, or even during our day-to-day things."We are now going to Bethel, where I will build an altar to the God who answered my prayers when I was in distress. He has stayed with me wherever I have gone" (NLT)
Let me encourage you today to stop saying "I can't" and begin saying "I CAN!" God will lead us and guide us to the places specifically designed for us to minister. The Word of the Lord for you today is Yes. Yes to all the many things God has called you to do. Yes to all the deep desires of your heart. Walk on in God today.
For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me strength (NLT).
Copyright © Martha Noebel. Used by permission.