It's One of the Top 10
I was watching The 700 Club one day as Terry Meeuwsen interviewed a young man in his 20s. During their conversation, Terry mentioned that Sundays were very different when she was his age. Blue laws meant stores were closed, and traditionally it was a time for family and fellowship as well as worship. The young man responded, “I can’t imagine.” Terry then said something that stunned me. She said, “Well, it is one of the top 10.”
One of the top 10… hmm. I had never thought of remembering the Sabbath as the same as not committing adultery or murder, but there it was right up there with the other nine commandments.
Exodus 20:8 says we are to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. So, what does it mean to keep the day holy?
All seven days were pretty much the same for me. Yes, I attended church on Sunday, but other than that it was no different than any other day. Now, I wanted that to change.
So, I began looking at things that I could eliminate from Sundays that would give me more time with the Lord on that day. Mindless secular TV programs were exchanged for Christian radio and television. I also stopped pushing work to Sundays when it wasn’t necessary.
At first it was an adjustment. I found myself bored until I found Christian programs that I enjoyed watching. Before long, Sundays became my favorite time of the week. It was a day set aside to spend as much time as possible with the One who knows me best and loves me the most. I enjoyed that special time, and it sort of reminded me of how couples will have a special date night. This was time for just me and Jesus, and it was wonderful.
This was not some legalistic activity. It was pure joy.
In Mark chapter 3, Jesus was confronted for healing someone on the Sabbath day since the law forbid work of any kind. He responded with a question. He said, “Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill” (v.4)? He had no interest in their legalistic view of the Sabbath and neither should we. But maybe this day should be different.
Recently, I was listening to Christian radio and the hosts were asking folks to call in and answer the question, “How do you honor the Sabbath?” The answers were varied, from putting down their cell phones to spending more time in fellowship because there really is no one way to honor the Sabbath.
So, this is my question for you today. How do you honor the Sabbath? And if you are looking for ideas, try asking yourself what you could do or not do one day a week that would bring you closer to Jesus.
Scripture is quoted from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.