Hidden Pandemic Treasures
“Look what I found,” my husband said, holding up hidden treasure he discovered amid the cleaning products under the sink.
“That’s amazing,” I exclaimed, “I thought we were out, Honey, but they were there all along.”
We scored not one, but two—drum roll please—containers of disinfectant wipes, rare commodities since COVID-19 began. Online and in-store searches had left us empty-handed and critical of people who hoarded for profiteering.
Father, forgive me for a critical spirit, and remind me to trust You alone for my needs.
On the short walk from the kitchen to the deck, I wondered if other blessings were hidden.
Which treasures from God have been there all along but need to be shared? Why did God bless me? What if I used my blessings for His glory and the good of others? How could I help those who are suffering from current conditions?
What a shame to hoard God-given provisions that others lack.
These verses catapulted me to action:
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”ESV
Some have lost loved ones.
I remember how it feels to lose a parent, and some of my friends are struggling with the death of a family member. I can share God’s comfort in a call or card.
Some have lost income.
My husband once suffered job loss through no fault of his own. In that hard season, God provided. I know a lady who missed work for two months. We could offer a small gift and Bible verses about the hope God gives.
Some are ill or fearful.
God helped me care for my mom when she was sick. I’ll pray for and share encouraging words with those who are sick or fearful or caring for a loved one.
Some are anxious or regretting decisions they made.
We’ve all been there. Would a devotional or the link to an online devotional site offer God’s peace through His Word?
Instead of hoarding the blessings of God, how can we share with others as the coronavirus lingers?
Does someone you know need…
- a friend?
- an encouraging call?
- a meal or monetary gift?
- help with shopping or lawn care?
- a smile and a bouquet of flowers from your yard?
“What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that?”ESV
Are you, like me, more thankful than ever for daily supplies like food, water, and even disinfectants and hand sanitizer? Even more amazing than those are the myriad of other blessings God provides, such as salvation, comfort, peace, encouragement, and hope.
Perhaps you’ll join me as I inventory hidden treasures—all blessings of God—and ask Him to show me how to share with someone else during the pandemic.
Copyright © May 2020 Jeannie Waters, used with permission.