Fear No Evil
"... I will fear no evil ..."(NKJV)
Have you ever screamed, thinking you stepped on a spider, only to realize it was a stray black thread? Or has your heart ever raced at that phone call from school, only to learn that little Johnny had won an award? Or have you ever panicked when your texts went unanswered, simply to discover your spouse’s phone battery had died?
If you are like me, you probably answered, “Yes!” to at least one or all of these.
Don’t we have a tendency to imagine the worst? We admit a fearful thought; our creative mind chimes in, willingly embellishing details to nonexistent situations. We picture it in vivid color as it flashes across the backdrop of our make-believe set. We choose a comfortable seat and watch it, mesmerized as if it were an award-winning movie. Only when the credits roll, do we realize this made-up scenario was nothing but a far-fetched invention of our fearful fancy.
So is there an antidote to overactive harmful imagination?
I’ve started chewing on this curative capsule from the brave, bold, optimistic Psalmist: I will fear no evil.
(NKJV)What if this cold is more than just a cold? I will fear no evil.
What if I run out of money? I will fear no evil.
What if something bad happens to my spouse? I will fear no evil.
What if my kids fall in with the wrong crowd? I will fear no evil.
What if someone breaks into my house? I will fear no evil.
What if I get into an accident? I will fear no evil.
How about you? Do you fear evil? Do you combat an unfounded, irrational fear that keeps you from enjoying life? Do you suffer a chronic expectation of the worst?
If so, contemplate with me, David’s reason as to why he said he would fear no evil.
"... I will fear no evil; for You are with me ..."
(NKJV italics mine)Let’s read that again.
For You are with me.
Isn’t the knowledge of our Shepherd’s constant and comforting presence reassuring?
Friend, we are called to live unafraid of evil.
Evil people.
Evil things.
Evil places.
Evil events.
Evil threats.
Evil diseases.
Evil outcomes.
Evil days.
Fearful thoughts will come. We can’t prevent that. And not all those will be unfounded or irrational. Some will be justifiable and shake us to the core. But if we allow the truth of God’s Word to descend into our spirit, we will be able to draw it out at the right moment. Like a warrior armed and ready for battle we will be equipped. We will be prepared to wield it in the face of an alarming report. Brandish it at the news of possible lay off. Believe it at the threat of impending lawsuit. Trust it in the midst of irreparable loss. As long as our Shepherd is with us, we fear no evil.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me. Your rod and Your staff they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over. Surely Your goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. (NKJV)
Copyright © 2017 Jane Samuel, used by permission.