Faith in the Call
If faith is the substance of things of hoped for and evidence of things not seen, fear is a mask which blinds us to the possible. All too often, we feel the Holy Spirit’s quiet tug in a particular direction, but instead of going forward, we stop for fears and doubt.
We’re hardly alone in this struggle to live forward into the coming present only God can foresee. Moses, among the greatest of leaders in world history, could have quite easily remained a ranch hand on his father-in-law’s property in Midian had he trusted his doubts.
“But Moses said to God, ‘Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt? (NIV)’”
Keep in mind, Moses had good reason to be concerned about God’s proposed mission whereby he would confront the ruler of Egypt himself and demand that all Israel be freed from slavery. A full-grown father and husband at this point, like all of us, deep within him was the child’s memory. And in his case, that childhood was surrounded by the executions of Hebrew children and beatings of his people. Moses knew what manner of man the Pharaoh was, and that was one of many reasons he was content to live in the boondocks of Midian.
But God made clear that He had not only chosen Moses, humble shepherd though he was at that point, but that He Himself would be fully behind him in this endeavor.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose (NIV).”
Moses had faith in the voice he heard calling from a burning bush, faith in the God of his ancestors, and faith in the promise made Abraham of a free Israel. And at that point in history, that faith was the lone substance of many things hoped for, the only evidence of a promise unseen. What would the history of Israel, and in point of fact, all Christianity, be had Moses faltered and turned aside? God’s will always wins in the end, and perhaps He would have simply gone on down the road to the next in line. We’ll never know how many opportunities we’ve missed to play the role of Moses in God’s great design if we wear the mask of fear.
Who are we to be called to God’s work? Who was anyone before God led them to what they became? A walk with God is the substance of things hoped for, but that substance is rarely seen on the first step.
Copyright 2016 Brian M Boyce. Used by permission.