Are You Ready?
“Are you ready?” said my sweet husband as we were just hours out from our trip. We planned to go on a 20-day long road trip, and I was scrambling to pack in the wee hours of the morning, barely ready, and already exhausted.
Any other procrastinators feel the same way I do? I’m starting to sweat just typing this. I must admit, “are you ready” is a phrase that has marked my whole life. I am in many ways, truly a last-minute planner. Living by an internal “buzzer beater,” I know it’s better to get ready ahead of time, but somehow, someway, I always prepare last minute.
Recently, the Lord has been showing me the significance in preparation and it is changing my life. A few months ago, I was sitting in church (to which I arrived late), and the pastor began speaking from this passage in Matthew 25, “Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be like ten bridesmaids who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom…” (Matthew 25:1)
As he began to read Matthew 25:1-13, I was so moved. This passage tells the story of 10 bridesmaids who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. The Bible calls some of them “wise” and some “foolish” because of their preparation (Matthew 25:2-3). As they waited on the bridegroom to arrive, they all fell asleep. When they finally woke up and saw the groom was coming, the five foolish bridesmaids realized their oil was burning out. They had not taken enough for the journey. The five wise bridesmaids had prepared enough oil, so they were able to be ready when the groom arrived (Matthew 25:10).
The moment this passage was preached, I knew the Lord was trying to get a hold of my heart. Ever felt that way? I could hear Him telling me to take preparation seriously. Not just for the simple things, but for my soul. Am I prepared for Christ’s return, expectant and ready, or am I going through this life without awareness and readiness?
Jesus is returning, and while we don’t know the day or the hour, it gets nearer and nearer each day that passes. Are you living your life in the light of eternity? Have you kept your lamp burning?
Or do you find yourself today like one of the five virgins who did not prepare or bring along enough oil? This thought haunts me with a holy fear. I want to be prepared and found ready when Jesus returns. Have I received salvation? Absolutely. But am I prepared with enough oil for the journey, for the waiting until He comes? That is a question every believer must ask.
Spiritual oil is your time in His Word. Spiritual oil is your time in prayer. Spiritual oil is what sustains you and keeps your lamp burning until His return. May our lives be marked by oil. A pure, burning fire that does not burn out, but leads others to Jesus—so that when He returns, not only are we ready, but we’ve shown others how to be also.
Pray this prayer with me today:
Jesus, I want to be ready for Your return. Not just saved through grace. But sanctified and filled with Your oil every day of my life. Keep me close to You, Your Word, and to prayer. I will keep my spiritual fire ablaze until You return.
Scripture is quoted from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.