Are You Ready to Jump?
My wife and I were vacationing in Hawaii when one morning she woke up and said, “I want to go skydiving.”
I replied with two words, “Yes Dear.”
What you should know is at the time she was afraid to fly. You can imagine the confused look on my face as I drove her a few miles to an airfield near the North Shore. When we arrived at the skydiving office she was handed a stack of paperwork to sign. She began reading, until I interrupted and said, “Basically if the parachute doesn’t open, it’s not their fault.” And once I realized the fee was non-refundable, she was definitely jumping.
I sat on a bench holding her purse while she did a quick crash course in tandem skydiving. Then I watched as she boarded a plane and took off into the clear blue sky. I waited and wondered. A spec of a parachute appeared, followed by laughter. As they approached the ground at a rapid pace, they lifted their legs, and the next thing I knew they tumbled across the grass. I moved in their direction fearing the worst, until she popped up with a smile and shouted, “I want to go again!” And yes, she jumped the very next day.
She was determined to conquer her fear, but she needed someone to jump with her in order to do it. She risked turning the page of her story to encounter what was beyond. She was taught, trained, tested, and when her feet hit the ground she was transformed.
I’ve learned from one of the wisest people I know, Mitch Kruse, how God does the same with us through the book of Proverbs. We have the greatest tandem instructor in history, who is willing to jump with us, guide us safely through the sky, and pull the cord at the perfect time — especially when we’re too afraid to do it for ourselves.
My wife and my friend, Mitch, have inspired me as I’ve walked through seasons that left me questioning my second act journey. Maybe you have those in your life who challenge you to chase your dreams as you pursue Christ deeper. Maybe they’re the ones who remind you that facing fears will define your destiny and calling. You see, when you’re grabbing onto the side of the airplane with a tandem instructor prying your fingers loose, blind faith gives you the courage to let go.
What would happen if you let go of your career or calling and placed them in God’s hands? What if you were willing to face your fears of the unknown and jump in blind faith?
These answers move us from observer to participant, where we step into our second act even in the midst of tragedy or triumph. Faith gives us courage to discover God’s great adventure as Christ followers ready to share the greatest story ever told. But the more we are paralyzed by control or fear, the less of an adventure we’ll encounter. In our uncertainty of the unknown, blind faith moves us to jump toward those risks that are in step with God as we grow deeper in our walk with Him.
Today, take a leap of faith to conquer your fears. Search for sparks of inspiration from those around you. Step out of the routine of life for one day, and live a second act adventure. Discover the unique calling God has on your life, the one you’re too afraid to live, and live it.
Copyright © 2017 D.J. Williams. Used by permission