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Lord of My Life—But My Finances Too?

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George and Michele Miller are both business owners. George works in construction and has a recycling business with his father. Michele operates a commercial cleaning service she started with her mother.  When they married in 2019, they didn’t share the same mindset about money.  For George, giving was a priority and what he attributed his success to.

He explains, “My pastor was encouraging us that it's important to tithe and give.”

For Michele, she found security in her bank account.

“I wanted to hang on to what I had,” she shares.

A year into their marriage, Michele lost one of her clients, and she started using credit cards to offset the loss. 

George recalls, “We were just pinching, I mean barely getting by, and we were having to cut back on our groceries, cut back on everything.”

Michele admits, “I was concerned about becoming more and more in debt.”

George adds, “She was constantly worrying about it, and I'm like, ‘Honey, you have to know that we serve a God that's much more powerful.’  I was trying to impress upon her that even if things are tight, you should still try to give back to God what is his, because ultimately it is His.”

The two prayed about it, and Michele had a change of heart.

She expounds, “I needed to speak the word of God over the situation, in agreement with my husband and trust for God's provision.  I had a knowing that I needed to pray and believe.  I more or less just turned everything over to Him, and I said, ‘Lord, if you can be Lord of my life, you can be Lord of my finances.’”

She started putting her trust in God instead of money and soon, a new client came along that paid twice as much as the client she’d lost.  Michele began tithing alongside George.  Within a few months, she was able to pay off the several thousand dollars of debt they’d accumulated.

Michele shares, “I feel a level of protection and care that I have not felt in the past, and I don't want to hoard that blessing to myself.  I want to share it with others.”

In addition to tithing at church, the couple also started giving regularly to CBN.

“What a beautiful thing to be a part of to know that you’re making a difference in this world,” Michele says.  “The disaster relief for people that have been in severe weather disaster, help for single families, single moms and children, people in Africa that need health and medical help and healing.”

George adds, “I want to do it because it's helping the unfortunate, you know, the poor, the widower.”

Today, Michele’s cleaning business is bringing-in almost three times what it did before she started tithing.  George has been promoted multiple times, and his income has doubled.

He exclaims, “God was faithful. He opened that new avenue and a whole better job, more money.”

Together, the two encourage others to give.

“Sow what you have in your hand, don't be afraid to release it,” Michele advises. “When you release it, you're opening the door for God to meet your needs.”

George concludes, “You cannot outgive God.”

“Remember this—a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop.” Will you partner with CBN and help plant generously around the world? Your generous giving brings hope to the hopeless and the truth of God’s Word to millions around the world through our humanitarian efforts. Become a CBN partner today and share the love of Christ.

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About The Author

Isaac Gwin

Isaac Gwin joined Operation Blessing in 2013 as a National Media Liaison producing domestic hunger relief stories. He then moved to Israel in 2015 where he spent the next six years as a CBN Features Producer developing stories throughout the Middle East. Now back in the U.S., Isaac continues to produce inspiring, true life stories for The 700 Club.

About The Author


A gifted writer and speaker, Pam is founder and director of Arise Ministries, which draws its vision from , “Arise, shine for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.” The goal of Arise Ministries is to awaken the hidden potential of believers in their individual spheres of influence so that they can truly shine for Christ.Pam earned her Master of Divinity in Practical Theology from Regent University. Pam is a contributor to Life in the Spirit and In Touch magazine. She is also author of Altar of Grace: Introduction to Practical Ministry and The Word Became Flesh: Studies