Fulfilling Your Purpose
School psychologist Amy Lee has lived in Chicago all her life. She knows firsthand the importance of sharing the good news with those around her. Photography is also a passion that she loves.
“What it really did for me was it refocused me away from the stress of my job and the chaos in the world, um, because I would be outside just using my camera, focusing on the beauty that I saw.”
Amy will never forget when she was a college student; she was lonely and called the 700 Club for prayer.
“Somehow I came across the 700 Club. And the woman that answered said a beautiful prayer for me around that time I did get saved.”
Amy then started to tithe.
“I learned from the 700 Club that giving is, uh, for, for me, it's a way to, um, give back to God. And to give him, uh, the first part of what I make is it's really showing trust in him.”
After graduation, Amy struggled for years to find steady income, yet she continued to tithe. She says the stories she saw on the 700 Club were the lifeline she needed in the midst of the economic uncertainty she was facing particularly during COVID.
“I needed news that I could count on real news, um, real journalism, and I needed the prayer and to hear people's stories again. It just brought me peace to watch the 700 Club.”
Amy then landed a job working with youth. Her salary increased by $9,000.
“I had been learning over time to pray bold prayers, and I asked him, can you give me the highest of this salary range? And, and he did. And so, I was just very thankful.”
Then in 2020, Amy was inspired to partner with CBN.
“I was already tithing regularly, but this was, um, a little beyond that I felt God nudging me “You need to start, uh, giving to CBN” and I did it and I stuck with it and don't regret it.”
“The difference I saw in the journalism on 700 club was sincerity and truthfulness. I saw them acting with integrity and not being, um, mean-spirited at all, but just searching for the truth and presenting the, the truth.”
Today, Amy finds joy and purpose in being a part of the mission of CBN, most specifically Superbook and Helping the Homefront. She has even increased her giving!
“I love hearing how little kids are impacted by Superbook and then their parents might become Christians because of that. It’s Operation Blessing, and, uh, helping those out that are in our military cause they laid down their lives for us so... there's just so much to give to.”
Amy hopes to encourage others to give as well, especially by partnering with CBN.
“I give because God says to give, and when you do what God says, there's always a reason for it, and you can trust him with it.”
“The presenters on the 700 Club would always say, so thank you to you viewers, because that's because of you. And I was like, it just made me feel like my purpose was being fulfilled. It's just a joy to give and see the fruit of what you're giving too, and how it expands God's kingdom.”