Coming Out Of The Christian Closet
I think one of the scariest things for us as Christians is to risk sharing our faith in a secular environment. You know what I'm talking about. Do I pray before lunch with a bunch of clients? Do I invite a new friend to church? Do I quote an appropriate Scripture during a dinner party? Do I hand someone this newsletter (FaithMD)?
The risk is there. You risk making people feel uncomfortable. You risk being different. You even risk being embarrassed or having a newsletter thrown in your face. It's an interesting dilemma with burning questions, and I have the answer. You're on your own!
I know that's the cheap and easy way out, but it's true. No one else can make the decision for you. My heart was softened on this issue not long ago at a Promise Keepers conference when Tony Evans, author of The Battle Is the Lord's, spoke on this very issue. His point was simple. We have every controversial group in America coming out of the closet, but many of you Christian men are still hiding in there with the light switch off and the door locked.
Here you are receiving all of God's truly remarkable blessings, and you still won't swing open that closet door and tell the world who you are. Well the time has come, said Evans. You can no longer live your life as a closet Christian. It's not what God has called you to be!
That was it for me. I was busted. I was a closet case, and he had found me out. I was enjoying a blessed life while making a mediocre commitment to my faith. It was a powerful word picture, and it has stuck with me ever since. What about you? Are you stuck with a closed door, or is it open for all to see? Is it time to take some serious risks, or do you prefer safety?
If you're looking for advice, here's a hint. Safe will always be boring, risks will always be exciting, and closets will always be dark.