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A 3-Year-Old Abandoned on the Street

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A young boy who was abandoned at age three finds a loving community and education at a ministry supported Orphan's Promise.

“Orphans Promise is here at Heritage Leadership Academy. It is known throughout Kenya for its excellence. These kids have come from hard, hard places, unimaginable poverty. I've had the privilege of meeting a young boy named Roy. He is incredibly smart. He's the top of his class. Roy was abandoned by his mom at the street at the age of three. For three years, no one knew where he was. His grandmother discovered him. She couldn't take care of him. She didn't have the means, but she brought him here. This little boy's going to become something incredible because of the blessing of God.”  - Terry

“When I came here, I was surrounded by a group of friends. I felt warmly welcomed. I have learned a lot.The teachers teach in a way that I can understand. My favorite subject is science because I really enjoy the way it is taught. I think I have become a smart boy. I’ve gotten to know God more. I got to learn that God is always loving and ready to forgive. He has loved me. He's given me food, and I have a family.” – Roy

“The reason we're committed to being a part of this is because there are three things that are significant here. One is discipleship for every child. The other is leadership, but overarching everything is excellence in what they do. Children like Roy will have their lives forever changed because of the work that’s being done here and the legacy it’s foisting into the future.” - Terry

“Thank you Orphan’s Promise for helping me.” - Roy


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