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Surviving on Social Security

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78-year-old Winifred said surviving on Social Security is a real challenge.
Winifred explained, “I used to think, ‘I’ll be glad when I get old, so I can get Social Security.’ But it ain’t like you think it is. When you pay your bills, it’s like down to a penny almost to pay your bills with the money you get from Social Security.”

Winifred does what she can to stretch her fixed income but finds it hard to make ends meet.
“Well stuff is so expensive now. The cost of living is higher now than it was then. I remember like a dozen eggs was like 50 cents, you know. But now everything is expensive, everything,” said Winifred.
That’s when she turned to the food ministry at New Life Church in Virginia, a partner of Operation Blessing.
Winifred described, “They give you everything. They give you stuff to drink; they give you hygiene stuff, you got food to eat. They ask you, ‘Do you want prayer?’ and I say, ‘YES!’ ‘Cause prayer is good for everybody. You know, prayer changes things, that’s what they say.”
Thanks to you, people like Winifred are receiving the help they need.
Winifred explains, “And by doing what they do, it’s showing that they care about the community and the people in it. They’re out giving trying to give you a helping hand when you need it. And with the food and stuff they give you, it’s like a blessing because it helps lighten the load on you. Like I say Operation Blessing it is a blessing!”


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About The Author

Alex Macdonald Headshot - OB

As a National Media Liaison for Operation Blessing, Alex Macdonald produces all the hunger relief stories throughout the US. With a passion to bring help and hope to the hungry and hurting, Alex seeks to share testimonies of lives impacted by Operation Blessing and their ministry partners in an effort to spread the transformational power and love of Christ.