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Trump at the National Prayer Breakfast: The Mixed Reviews

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President Trump gave a speech like no president before him at the National Prayer Breakfast Thursday.

Filled with talk of God, impeachment, and the stock market the president also used his remarks to take digs at his political opponents.

His performance drew mixed reviews.

In the Washington Post, columnist Michael Gerson wrote, "Trump has shown a talent for exposing the sad moral compromises of his followers, especially his evangelical Christian followers."

David Brody joins the CBN News Daily rundown to discuss this and much more.

“They don’t believe they’re morally compromising when you have a president of the united states pushing strongly for Judeo-Christian values that are in the Bible. That is not a moral compromise. That is being a champion for what they believe are moral, Biblical values," Brody says.


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Wishon *

Corresponsal de CBN News en la Casa Blanca Jennifer Wishon es la corresponsal en la Casa Blanca de CBN News, basada en el buró de noticias en Washington, DC. Jennifer se unió a CBN en diciembre de 2008 y fue asignada a la Casa Blanca en enero de 2011. Antes de tomar el ritmo de la Casa Blanca, Jennifer cubrió el Capitolio y otras noticias nacionales. Antes de unirse a CBN News Jennifer trabajó como jefe de buró en Richmond y corresponsal en el Capitolio para la WDBJ7, afiliada de la cadena CBS en Roanoke, Virginia. En Richmond cubrió el gobierno estatal y política a tiempo completo. Sus