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The State of the Race

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By the Fourth of July, the corn should be knee-high and the presidential election is just around the corner. Wait a minute, I don't think that's exactly how that saying goes, but there are two bits of truth in there.

We're about four months away from the election and for now, Democrat Joe Biden is enjoying the upper hand in polling both nationally and in critical battleground states. 

Today on the CBN News Daily Rundown we're checking in on the state of the race with Chief Political Analyst David Brody.

"You know, it's gonna be uphill for him, but then again, what isn't uphill for Donald Trump? It's been uphill for him ever since the beginning of all of this," Brody says.

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Wishon *

Corresponsal de CBN News en la Casa Blanca Jennifer Wishon es la corresponsal en la Casa Blanca de CBN News, basada en el buró de noticias en Washington, DC. Jennifer se unió a CBN en diciembre de 2008 y fue asignada a la Casa Blanca en enero de 2011. Antes de tomar el ritmo de la Casa Blanca, Jennifer cubrió el Capitolio y otras noticias nacionales. Antes de unirse a CBN News Jennifer trabajó como jefe de buró en Richmond y corresponsal en el Capitolio para la WDBJ7, afiliada de la cadena CBS en Roanoke, Virginia. En Richmond cubrió el gobierno estatal y política a tiempo completo. Sus