Peas and Jell-O... Really?
I don't know how close of attention y'all have been paying to these debt discussions the President and Congressional leaders have been having this week.
It sounds more like a FOOD FIGHT.
I mean, take a look at what the President said on Monday:
"It's not going to get easier. It's going to get harder. So we might as well do it now -- pull off the Band-Aid; eat our peas. Now is the time to do it. If not now, when?"
Then, House Speaker Boehner on Wednesday:
"Dealing with them the last couple months has been like dealing with Jell-O," Boehner said. "Some days it's firmer than others. Sometimes it's like they've left it out over night."
And Jell-O?
Two grown men... in a virtual food fight over the federal deficit.
Oh my.