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Honoring 303 (Mom), Especially at Christmas

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I’ve heard teens say they hate when their parents ask, “who are you texting?” Sure, it can be annoying to have to answer. Can't a gal or guy even text without getting the run around? Geez.

But, what if your parents didn't have to ask who you are texting because you are actually texting them?

Yes, this may seem a bit weird at first. But consider how it might help your parents feel loved. Texting 303 or dad any time of the year would be gr8, but especially at Christmastime. After all, u text your pals 24/7 to let them know ur thinkN about them, so why not txt yr parNts so they feel yr lov too?

Are u guilty of texting CD9 (“parent in room”) or 99 (“parent has left”)? Come on, tell the truth!

Instead of separating yourself from your parents during the holidays, give them a special gift this year for Christmas. Include them in your circle. 

Why bother? has the answer. It says, "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long..." 

To honor means to respect and admire. Your parents my get on your nerves sometimes, but we all need to hear this. To honor also means giving credit and tribute to your parents. They aren't ignorant. They know how important texting is to you, so one way to honor them might be to send a text to say 143 (“I love you”). After all, who bought the phone and pays the phone bill? Probably your parents, right? And, I bet you don't have a prob txtN em to say what u want for Xmas! 

Think of how surprised yr 303 n dad will be when they learn how gr8 you are at communicating! Shock them by sending a warm or thoughtful message when you’re out with your friends. Who said it's not QL (“cool”) to let your parents into your world and show them that you care for them? Perhaps texting 303 and dad will help them understand you better. Soon they'll find out your listening and texting isn't an enemy that's totally distracting you from life. 

If your parents are befuddled by your texts, share the meaning with them. Help them understand your txt language. They don't mean to be out of it; and they're not as ancient as you may think. Tell them that "K" means "OK". Remember, one reason texting may concern your parents is because they may feel powerless to understand it all. Only you can help quiet that fear.  

As you teach your parents what being a texting teen means to you, it will help strengthen your R/Ship with them. Some parents don't get that technology is causing your gNR8N (generation) to advance quicker than those before and that in some ways 13 is the new 18. But as you include your parents in your life, battles will begin to cease and balance will come.

Instead of the Great Wall of China separating you from your 303 and dad, you'll establish a new closeness. Why not send them a text right now? Let them know that U R OK. Let them know when U R not OK. It's OK to say FGM (“forgive me”) when you've done something wrong. And it's good to FG them too! Holding a grudge hurts too much, so keep your youthful spirit fresh and let go of offenses. Heal and text it out.  

Most importantly, remember that even when ppl (“people”) like parents don't understand u and they let u down the Lord loves you AAF (“always and forever”)!

Mrry xmas n hpE kin txtN!
(“Merry Christmas and happy family texting!”)

~ Jackie O.

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