Craig von Buseck Contributing Writer
Craig von Buseck is a published author, popular speaker and a contributing writer for He holds a Doctor of Ministry and an MA in Religious Journalism from Regent University. His most recent book by Regal Publishers, Praying the News, was co-written by CBN News anchor Wendy Griffith.
Craig is the author of NetCasters: Using the Internet to Make Fishers of Men, by Broadman and Holman Publishers and Seven Keys to Hearing God's Voice from Hensley Publishers. Craig has also written a chapter on prophetic evangelism for God's Supernatural Power in You by Destiny Image Publishers.
Craig is an ordained minister and has extensive ministry and speaking experience. He travels often to minister and speak at professional events. He serves on the Internet Evangelism Network executive board.
Along with his many published articles at CBN, he has written for Charisma Magazine, Nicky Cruz Ministries, the Christian Coalition, the Israeli Bureau of Tourism, and several Christian magazines. He has taught as an adjunct professor in the Regent University schools of Divinity, Communication, Business, Government, and Regent Undergrad.
Craig is a graduate of CLASS (Christian Leaders, Authors, and Speakers Services), and serves as member of the CLASS Seminar faculty. He has been a featured speaker at the CLASS Christian Writers Conference; the Blue Ridge Christian Writers Conference; the Write-to-Publish Conference at Wheaton College; the Colorado Christian Writers Conference; the Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference; the Florida Christian Writers Conference; the Heart of America Christian Writers Conference. He has also served on the faculty of the Jerry Jenkins "Writing for the Soul" Christian Writers Conference.
Latest Release: Praying the News: Your Prayers Are More Powerful Than You know, is now available on ShopCBN.
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NetCasters Kindle download
Download: Seven Keys to Hearing God's Voice Leader's Guide
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Bible Teaching | Interviews | Video Teaching | Devotions | Cultural Commentary | Reviews | Special Features | Tour Israel with | Send Craig your Comments
Bible Teaching Go Back
Read an excerpt of NetCasters: Weaving the Nets: Building Your Internet Presence (Chapter 3)
- What is Soaking Prayer?
- Is Soaking Prayer in the Bible?
- How to do Soaking Prayer
- Effective Ways to Share Your Faith
- Legion: Is God Still Angry?
- Doing Personal Prophecy Right in Church
- The Nephilim: Children of Demons?
- Soaking Prayer FAQs
- Aslan and Jesus: No Greater Love
- NetCasters: Sharing Jesus Online
- Passing the Torch of Christian Leadership
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- Making Godly Decisions
- When Tragedy Unexpectedly Strikes
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- God's Names in the Old Testament
- The Three Parts of Man
- Original Sin
- The First Sin
- The Son of Man
- Salvation of Man
- Peter and the Revelation
- The Millennium
- The Apostles' Creed
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- Is it Sunset, or the Dawn?
- How Saul Became the Apostle Paul
- The Burden of Betrayal
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- How Big Was the Ark? What Did It Look Like?
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- How Were the Animals Gathered?
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- Judging Personal Prophecy Through the Seven Keys to Hearing God's Voice
- Personal Prophecy and God's Guidance
- The Harness of the Holy Spirit
- The California Miracle
- Seven Keys To Hearing God's Voice
- Hearing God: An Amazing Story
- Did You Ever Wonder What the Bible Was All About?
- Seven Keys to Hearing God: Tuning In To His Frequency
- Peter: An Unlikely Hero of Faith
- Pay-ers, Pray-ers, and Play-ers
- Receiving God's Forgiveness
- One of the Greatest Adventures
Interviews Go Back
Nedra Talley-Ross: A Ronette Encounters a Big God
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Video Teaching and Interviews Go Back
The Peter, Paul and Mary Principle
- Craig and Wendy Griffith discuss Praying the News on 700 Club Interactive
- Praying The News on CBN Newswatch
- Craig's NetCasters interview with CBN News: Part One | Part Two
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- Responding to Personal Prophecy
- Making Room for the Gifts
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- Releasing the Voice of God
- Restoration of the Gifts
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Devotions Go Back
Cultural Commentary Go Back
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- Tribute: Bob Slosser -- Teacher, Mentor, Friend
- The Man with the Issue of Blood
- The Century of the Holy Spirit
- ChurchWatch: Craig's BLOG on
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