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She Left Her Financial Worries Behind

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Marla McGrath has been a homecare nurse for over 50 years, and to this day, she still loves it.

“I knew always that I wanted to be a nurse.  I just love to take care of people,” she exclaims.” 

When her career began, Marla struggled to make ends meet and buy essentials like diapers and clothes, and she held tightly to what little she made. 

She shares, “My mentality really was at that time was just making it through, working hard, pay your bills and get the groceries and maybe have a little extra to have some fun.  That was it.”  She contemplates, “Something was missing.”

Then Marla’s co-worker invited her to her church.

“She said, ‘You have to come and hear my husband preach.’  I said ‘Ok’, took the Lord, accepted the Lord and got born again.  I was just so excited because I knew Jesus loved me in a way that nobody else has ever, ever, ever or could ever love me.  And there was a purpose, you know, whatever I needed to do for his kingdom, I was going to do it.”

As Marla read the Bible and listened to her pastor preach, she realized that she needed to start trusting God in all areas of her life, including her finances. 

“When he started talking about the tithing and giving, he said, ‘You're not giving just to get blessed.  You're giving to bless others, but in turn God will bless you.’  So, I learned that it's God's money.  All He is asking for is 10%, to give it back to Him.  So, I would tithe.”  

She stepped out in faith and began tithing consistently.

She exclaims, “All of a sudden God would just either give me a new job, make more money; I just have it.  Or somebody would say, ‘Here's some money.’  And I didn't have to worry about my bills anymore.  Everything was getting paid.   I would just be getting blessed.”

Through the years, Marla has continued to tithe.  Her income has increased three times over, and today, she’s a Nursing Home Resident Coordinator.

“The job that I presently have,” she shares, “that was God.  It's because I trust God, because of tithing.”

In addition to tithing, in 2020 Marla started giving to CBN. 

She says, “Look at the world now. Look, look at the turmoil. Look at things that are going on: the kindness, the gentleness.

They help others, right Johnny on the spot.  Some disaster came, they were right there.  When I saw like the cleft palates, the surgery they did on the cleft palates for the children or just build the huts and give them like a little stone house or the pure water. I can't imagine as a mother giving my child dirty water.  That crushed my heart.  So, I said, ‘You know what, I'm going to trust them all the way.’  And I became a partner.”

Marla encourages others to trust God and start giving, like she does.

“He wants to see your faithfulness.  And if you’re faithful to him in your little thing, like the money, okay, which you aren't ‘gonna take with you to heaven anyway, then He's ‘gonna bless you.  When you give to God, God gives back.  You can't afford not to,” she concludes.  Step out of your comfort zone.  Give your tithe, and watch what God does.  Money will come from everywhere and anywhere, and you'll just be free.”


Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive,” and we invite you to join in blessing others with your giving to CBN! Your faithful giving brings hope to the hopeless and the truth of God’s Word to millions of homes through The 700 Club! Help bring the love of Christ to the world when you become a CBN partner today! 

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About The Author

Cheryl Wilcox Headshot

Cheryl Wilcox, Coordinating Producer, The 700 Club. I hail from a Jesus-loving SoCal surf family 🏄🏻‍♀️. I'm the mother of two brilliant, business-owning daughters. My heroes are the Great Emancipators and Corrie Ten Boom. I scull 🚣🏻‍♀️ for life balance; it's somewhat easier than surfing. I'm passionate about organic food 🥗 and gardening. Since 1989, I've produced feature stories 🎬 for CBN. In my free time, I enjoy reading about the lives of Saints – like Julian of Norwich🇬🇧. I'm baptized Anglican. Christ is King of Kings! 💫

About The Author

Zsa Zsa Palagyi
Zsa Zsa

Zsa Zsa Palagyi loves to tell stories about the Lord. Originally from California, she moved to NYC to work in TV, where she committed her life to Christ and was later called into Christian media. Now a CBN producer and Christian radio on-air personality, she seeks authenticity and enjoys art, culture, travel, fitness, fashion, the beach, and cats.