When God Asks You for a Bold Move
There are many reasons Peter Yang loves being a long-haul truck driver, including, traveling the nation’s beautiful landscapes, and knowing he’s doing his part to help fellow Americans. He says, “I looked at it as an opportunity, you know, to see the country what an important, integral part trucking is in terms of the, the cog of the, ecosystem of American capitalism. You know the catchphrase is it keeps America moving.”
As he drives, Peter takes time to reflect on life lessons he values like giving generosity and trusting God. It all started with his first career in the computer industry. “I was in a tight budget.
and I was probably barely making, you know, minimum quota and just kind of getting by.”
Peter learned about tithing as a teen and even while struggling financially in his career in computers, generously gave. One day, a letter came in the mail that challenged him to give even more than he thought he could. “It was talking about Israel. It said something about giving a thousand dollars. I was good with giving a hundred dollars, but now this is like another level of giving that I never even imagined. I just couldn’t get rid of it. And I knew it was the tugging of the Lord. Finally, I just said, ‘okay I am going to do it.’”
A month later, he landed an account that amazed him. His income tripled and was awarded bonuses with promotions. “I attribute that to that obedience, where supernaturally God gets involved.”
When COVID hit, Peter saw a new opportunity, and that’s when he in jumped into the trucking industry. “My colleagues even asked me, ‘What, what the heck are you doing?’”
“I reflected upon, you know, my journey with the Lord. There's a bigger, uh, where who do I trust? The Bible says have faith in God.’”
He continued tithing. In three years, he was making six figures. He went from driving a company rig to buying his own truck as an owner operator and starting a trucking business. Peter says, “Honor the Lord with the first fruit of your increase. And, and then, you know, God's going to bless you. God doesn’t need your money. What you’re doing is you’re able to participate in what God does on the earth.”
As Peter continues to give, one ministry he loves to support is CBN. He says, Operation Blessing actually goes to the areas in the world in need, whether someone's, you know, hungry or they need a drink of water. Operation Blessing was there.”
Today, Peter’s journey it’s a testament of faith. He credits God for the success. “If you want to have success in your life, you have to include God in everything that you do, especially your, your business.
I've experienced it in my walk and in my business. And, I encourage everybody to take that journey. Because it, it is a journey. It's a learning experience. And if you obey and just trust God, he's going to bless you.”
What a beautiful example of how CBN partners share the love of Jesus around the world with people in need! If you’re not yet a partner, we invite you to join us today. Help bring God’s love through initiatives like clean water wells, medical missions, feeding programs, and so much more—all in the name of Jesus! Join us today and become a part of what God’s doing through CBN partners.