A Christmas Activity to Bring Joy and Jesus Together
Finding Jesus is an interactive hide-and-seek game that helps your children focus on the true meaning of Christmas. Your child can find God’s Word daily inside the pocket of a 12” plush, huggable Finding Jesus doll. There are short scriptures and illustrations, printed on 24 double-sided puzzle pieces, which come together to make a beautiful picture. Unlike most puzzles, however, the finished product is only revealed one day at a time. The scripture book correlates to each puzzle piece and walks through the birth of Jesus. The activity is designed to intrigue curiosity leading up to Christmas instilling the habit to Seek Him First. “I wanted to create something that would help families focus on the true meaning of Christmas,” says Lillian. “Finding Jesus is more than just a puzzle; it’s a way to engage children in the story of Christ’s birth and encourage them to seek Him daily.”
The idea for Finding Jesus was conceived in December 2023 during a Bible Study Lillian was attending. The group discussed how Christmas can feel secular making it hard to keep the reason for the season in focus. Lillian says, her friend shared how her toddler kept taking the porcelain baby Jesus from their nativity scene, carrying it around their home, inevitably, leaving it here and there, which had Lillian’s friend constantly asking her toddler, where’s Jesus? Since that day, the Lord continued to impress on Lillian’s heart the idea of Finding Jesus, which would keep Christ’s birth at the center of the Christmas holidays. In mid-February 2024, Lillian began to act on the Lord’s prompting.
Lillian recalls, “I felt strongly that God’s Word was the foundation of the product and no commentary from me or anyone else was to be incorporated. To make the words come to life, I wanted visuals that were attractive for adults yet playful for children.” She needed an artist but did not know one, so she prayed. Two days later God answered her prayer. She was introduced to the sister of a friend, Lauren Cox, who happened to be an artist. “She captured the spirit of this project with precious and playful illustrations for each day of scripture and a beautiful whimsical piece of art for the completed puzzle, shares Lillian.
The completed puzzle for Finding Jesus is not on display anywhere to show where the next puzzle piece goes and how the finished artwork will look. Lillian reveals, “The reality is that this parallels life walking with Jesus. It is an adventure, and we just don’t know the masterpiece planned, but we can trust that His plans for us exceed any of our own.” To order Finding Jesus you can visit https://seekhimfirst.com.
Lillian became a Christian in the 3rd grade. Ever since making Christ her Savior she has loved telling others about Him whether she is in the grocery store or on an airplane. As the founder of Finding Jesus, she gets to share the reason for the season with children. She says, “Finding Jesus has been an experience that I cherish. Each day I seek Him first and He gives me just what I need for that day. He doesn’t overwhelm me with everything I need to do or know… just what I need to do or know for that day.
Lillian wanted Finding Jesus to be made in the USA however securing a manufacturer in the states became unattainable. Then she talked with the Lord about going to China and she felt the green light to go. Every door seemed to open and she has been happy with the two manufacturers she chose. While talking with a friend, Lillian also learned that Christian missionaries are prohibited in China. When she received pictures from her manufacturer of all the workers sewing the nail marks into the hands and feet of the Jesus doll, she felt overwhelmed. God had bigger plans.
She graduated from Southern Methodist University (SMU) and worked at the Texas Rangers Baseball Club selling sponsorships until she and Adam had their first child. She says, “I had the blessing of selling the naming rights for the Texas Rangers Ballpark, changing it to Ameriquest Field through a cold call at the age of 26. The money that I have used for Finding Jesus has come from what I made during my time at the Rangers.” While attending SMU, she was on the Pom Squad each year. She has continued her passion for dance through teaching an adult dance fitness class, Dallas Dance Fitness. Over the years, she has also participated in numerous activities for her kids, whether it’s fundraising, children’s Bible studies, VBS, and chairing school events.
THE GREATEST GIFT (A Poem By Lillian Richey)
The greatest gift
Is not tied up with a bow
It is a relationship with God
And here’s what you should know
It cannot be earned
By things that you do
It is freely given
Because God loves you
But the cost of this gift
Is very high
God’s own son
Had to die
Why did this happen?
It is hard to understand
So let’s start from the beginning
When God made man
God made the world
And everything in it
He said it was good
There was only one limit
He said not to eat
From one certain tree
The rest He gave
Completely free
But a crafty snake
With a purpose to deceive
Questioned God’s goodness
To Adam & Eve
And the forbidden fruit
Was a pleasing sight
So Adam and Eve
Took a bite
The moment they chose
To disobey
They felt great shame
And ran away
Sin means doing
What you should not do
You may think it’s fun
But that’s not true
It leaves you feeling
Bad inside
And makes you want
To run and hide
And since God is perfect
And can not sin
It separates
Us from Him
God knew no human
Could ever be
Completely perfect
And live free
So because God loves us
He had a plan
To bring together
God and man
He would send
His blameless, perfect Son
God as man
The Holy one
Jesus walked this earth
Like you and me
But instead
He did it perfectly
Healed the sick
Raised the dead
Walked on water
Five thousand fed
The things He did
Were all God’s will
His final act
The most costly bill
He paid the price
And took our place
For the debt of sin
What amazing grace
How awful
It must have been that day
When sin was on
Full display
They made fun of Him
With the things they said
A crown of thorns
Put on his head
His hands and feet nailed
To the cross
He bled and died
His life he lost
And none of this
Did he deserve
It was our punishment
That he served
For three days
He was in the grave
But came back to life
For us He saved
From that moment on
Nothing was the same
Mankind was forgiven
In Jesus’ name
Death was conquered
Jesus, now the door
To live with God
The price was paid
For sin’s deadly rift
Between man and God
Our greatest gift
Yet still God gives us
The freedom of choice
To receive this gift
With our heart and voice
Declare Jesus as
Your Lord and King
Your Savior, God,
Your everything
Invite Jesus into
Your heart to live
There is nothing else
For you to give
It’s not by works
Or what you say
God’s love is free
Just believe and pray
Lord, forgive me
For some things I do
I want to be
More like you
Come into my heart
And lead the way
For everything I do
And say
You are my Savior
Lord and King
Your praises
I forever sing
Jesus, you’re
The only one
To conquer sin and death
The work is done
Thank you God
That you would send
Both a Savior
And a friend
Who loves me
At my best and worst
I want to always
Seek Him First
The greatest gift
Will forever be
Jesus Christ
Who died for me
If you want your very own Finding Jesus Advent Puzzle click the LINK!