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Urgent Call to Prayer with Pat Robertson

Join me for 30 days of prayer for our nation and the world.

Day 23

Pray that the Lord would develop in you the fruit of joy so that you can be a reflection of His love to lost and hurting people in the world today. Spend some time just worshiping in the presence of God today, for the Bible tells us that in His presence is fullness of joy. In this time of prayer, tell the Lord how much you love Him. Thank Him for His kindness and goodness to you.

Christianity is often seen by unbelievers as the "don't" religion — "don't do this" and "don't do that." Some people see it as a depressing faith designed to keep people from enjoying their lives. But nothing could be further from the truth.

The Bible promises us joy:

For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
—Romans 14:17

Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice! —Phil. 4:4

The joy that the Lord brings is not a temporary, fleeting "high," but it is a state of being in Christ that remains through both good and bad days. The two keys to walking in this joy are first spending time in God's presence…

In Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.  —Ps. 16:11b

…and then obeying His commandments.

When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!
—John 15:10-11

So rejoice, for this is the day the Lord has made!


This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you. 7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. —2 Tim. 1:6-7


Experiencing Joy

Soaking Prayer FAQs
Soaking prayer is simply positioning yourself to express your love to God. It is not intercession. It is not coming to God with a list of needs. It is the act of entering into the presence of God to experience His love and then allowing the love of God through the Holy Spirit to revolutionize your love for Him.

30 Days of Prayer
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12 
13  14  15  16  17 18  19  20  21  
22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30

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