He Loves You: Our Kind and Caring God
How wonderful it is to know, beyond any doubt, that God loves us! Every day we can trust in His promises, experience His peace, and share in His victories.
The brochure begins with a powerful truth: God loves you and is a reminder that if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then God's promise and love rest firmly on your life. The Bible assures us that nothing can ever separate us from that love.
We believe that your life will be transformed by your faith in God's love for you. When you realize you are loved by God, you can trust Him, spend time with Him, and let His desires become yours. Fear melts away, and you can rest in the light of His awesome presence and power.
Your choices matter, and you have a choice to make. You can choose to believe in His love, or you can fill your life with distractions. We urge you to choose to rush into the arms of your loving Savior. There is safety, satisfaction, power, and help for you there. His love for you is beyond measure, and you can declare that you believe in His promises to you.
We invite you to let these verses speak to your heart today and review them often. They will remind you that you are loved, cherished, and adored by God. Let our brochure, "He Loves You ... Our Kind and Caring God," be your guide as you explore the depths of God's love for you.