Gail started working at CBN in 1982. She’s worked in the Prayer Center, Partner Correspondence, Operation Blessing, and The 700 Club where she now serves as the Media Coordinator. Prior to coming to CBN, she had the opportunity to work in Europe and travel to 16 countries. She enjoys hiking, traveling, writing, and editing.
Those years of dread and the sense of obligation have long since gone. Even when I think I am "low on dough" I give. The blessings come back to us in many forms, and we are continually being enriched.
My heart's desire has been to have a home of my own for my children and me. I can honestly say that if I have to stay in the apartment forever, I will do so gladly, as long as I can keep giving. It's just too much fun!
The blessing of the LORD brings wealth, and He adds no trouble to it. Proverbs 10:22
The blessing of the LORD makes a person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.
Update: About 4 years after I wrote this article, I bought a home. Giving is still a joy. The score? God is WAY ahead!.
Here I stand, undeserving, wrong, yet loved completely. He reaches out with compassion and mercy to heal and to deliver me. His acts of love and compassion effectively restore and renew me.
When I am called to step up to the Judge's bench, there will be no evidence to hold against me—just as if I had never sinned, He declares me “NOT GUILTY!”