Rabbi Kirt A.
In 1978, having no concept of or familiarity with Jesus, feeling isolated, unfulfilled and lost, a young Jewish man was suddenly awakened from his sleep. Immediately, a vision appeared to him of Jesus on the cross. “I knew at that instant that Jesus was the answer I had been searching for,” says Messianic Rabbi Kirt Schneider.
For the first time, he began reading the New Testament, devouring every verse; he says it was like fire to him. He became consumed with knowing and experiencing God, the revelation of His Word and the glory of His Son.
During the past thirty years, Rabbi Schneider has committed his life to a passionate pursuit of Jesus and to being used by God for His glory. Through his years of experience in both personal spiritual warfare and ministry, Rabbi Schneider is able to bring to God’s Church deep insight into how to gain victory over Satan and the realm of darkness.
Today Rabbi Schneider hosts the powerful television show, Discovering the Jewish Jesus, which is available seven days a week in more than one hundred million homes in the United States and approximately two hundred nations worldwide. Viewers tune in regularly as Rabbi Schneider brings revelation on how the Old and New Testaments are integrated, building faith and changing lives.
Several years ago God told Rabbi Schneider, You are an evangelist. The fulfillment of this calling is now being witnessed by thousands who attend his crusades across Africa. Preaching to large crowds, Rabbi has seen the truths of God’s Word confirmed by the Holy Spirit, with signs and wonders of healings and deliverance.
Rabbi Schneider leads the congregation at Lion of Judah World Outreach Center in Toledo, Ohio. He has authored several books: Awakening to Messiah, Do Not Be Afraid, Self-Deliverance, and most recently, The Book of Revelation Decoded. He is a frequent guest on several Christian television programs, including TBN’s Praise the Lord and Daystar’s Marcus and Joni, as well as an appearance on Mornings with Maria on Fox Business Network. He and his wife, Cynthia, have two children and live near Columbus, Ohio.